
GovNL Drupal Distribution

Installs: 1 489

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0


1.0.0-beta2 2024-04-15 11:48 UTC


Drupal Distribution and install profile to create a Drupal website for the Dutch government.

Getting started

Create a new project using a composer template.

Change PROJECT_NAME to the name of your project.

composer create-project drupal/govnl_project PROJECT_NAME -s dev --no-install


This profile will install the following modules & themes. Along with a set of config which serves as a basis for Dutch government drupal sites.


  • automated_cron
  • breakpoint
  • block
  • block_content
  • ckeditor5
  • config
  • contextual
  • datetime
  • dblog
  • dynamic_page_cache
  • editor
  • field_ui
  • file
  • help
  • history
  • image
  • node
  • menu_link_content
  • menu_ui
  • options
  • page_cache
  • path
  • taxonomy
  • toolbar
  • views
  • views_ui


  • admin_toolbar
  • admin_toolbar_tools
  • entity_browser
  • field_group
  • token
  • pathauto
  • metatag
  • redirect
  • role_delegation
  • username_enumeration_prevention
  • disable_user_1_edit
  • rabbit_hole
  • seckit
  • remove_http_headers

Themes (admin)

  • claro


This profile comes with default configuration for basic_html and full_html editor formats. A default pathauto pattern, basic seckit and remove_http_headers settings.