
v1.0.1 2021-12-12 06:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 13:00:48 UTC


For a payment transaction we have to request a payment via web service. If our request is successful the IPG will return a token which we should use while redirecting customer to payment page. Customer will be redirected back to our desired URL(callback URL) from payment page via a POST request carrying data which may be used to check and verify customer's transaction using web service.

Request payment

For a payment transaction we should send a payment request to IPG and acquire a token. This may be accomplished by calling getToken method.

Instantiating an IPG object

for instantiating an IPG object we should call Dizatech\BehpardakhtIpg\BehpardakhtIpg constructor passing it an array of required arguments containing:

  • terminalId: your payment gateway terminal id
  • userName: your payment gateway username
  • userPassword: your payment gateway password

Code sample:

$args = [
    'terminalId'    => '123',
    'userName'      => '456',
    'userPassword'  => '789'
]; //Replace arguments with your gateway actual values
$ipg = new BehpardakhtIpg($args);

getToken method


  • order_id: unique order id
  • redirect_address: URL to which customer may be redirected after payment
  • mobile_no(optional): Customer's mobile phone number in 989********* format


An object with the following properties:

  • status: success or error
  • token: in case of a successful request contains the generated token which may be used while redirecting customer to payment page
  • message: contains error message when status is error

Redirecting customer to payment page

If status property of the result of calling getToken is success we can redirect customer to payment page URL which is currently https://bpm.shaparak.ir/pgwchannel/startpay.mellat. We have to redirect user to payment page via a POST request. So, it is necessary to inject an HTML form in page and submit it as done in the following example. The acquired token should be used as the value of RefId hidden input.

It is neccessary to save the acquired token token for further use

Code sample:

$args = [
    'terminalId'    => '123',
    'userName'      => '456',
    'userPassword'  => '789'
]; //Replace arguments with your gateway actual values
$ipg = new BehpardakhtIpg($args);
$amount = 1000; //Replace with actual order amount in Rials
$order_id = 1; //Replace it with unique order id
$redirect_address = 'http://my.com/verify'; //Replace with your desired callback page URL
$result = $ipg->getToken($amount, $order_id, $redirect_address);
if( $result->status == 'success' ){
        style="display: none;" id="bp_start_pay"
        action="https://bpm.shaparak.ir/pgwchannel/startpay.mellat" method="post">
        <input type="hidden" name="RefId" value="<?php echo $result->token; ?>">
        window.onload = function(){
    echo "Error: {$result->message}";

Payment verification and settle

After payment the customer will be redirected back to the callback URL provided in payment request phase via a POST request carrying all necessary data. Important data fields sent by IPG are:

  • RefId: Payment token by which the user has been redirected to payment page
  • ResCode: Payment status which should be 0 for successful payments
  • SaleOrderId: Unique order id used in payment request phase to acquire payment token
  • SaleReferenceId: Reference Id which may be used for further requests and displayed to customer
  • FinalAmount: The actual amoun paid by user

It is important to make sure that the returned RefId matches the token with which we initiated the payment and the FinalAmount matches the amount we hace requested.

If ResCode equals 0, RefId matches original token and FinalAmount matches requested amount we can call the verifyRequest method to verify payment.

verifyRequest method


  • order_id: Payment verification request id (no unique constraint). We can use same value for order_id and sale_order_id
  • sale_order_id: SaleOrderId returned by gateway
  • sale_reference_id: SaleReferenceId returned by gateway


An object with the following properties:

  • status: success or error
  • message: message describing the status

Code sample:

$args = [
    'terminalId'    => '123',
    'userName'      => '456',
    'userPassword'  => '789'
]; //Replace arguments with your gateway actual values
$ipg = new BehpardakhtIpg($args);
$result = $ipg->verifyRequest($_POST['SaleOrderId'], $_POST['SaleOrderId'], $_POST['SaleReferenceId']);

If we get success st atus we have to continue and settle the transaction via settleRequest method.

settleRequest method


  • order_id: Payment verification request id (no unique constraint). We can use same value for order_id and sale_order_id
  • sale_order_id: SaleOrderId returned by gateway
  • sale_reference_id: SaleReferenceId returned by gateway


An object with the following properties:

  • status: success or error
  • message: message describing the status

Code sample:

$args = [
    'terminalId'    => '123',
    'userName'      => '456',
    'userPassword'  => '789'
]; //Replace arguments with your gateway actual values
$ipg = new BehpardakhtIpg($args);
$result = $ipg->settleRequest($_POST['SaleOrderId'], $_POST['SaleOrderId'], $_POST['SaleReferenceId']);

Reversing Transactions

In case we need to cancel customer order immediately after payment (maximum 3 hours later) we can simply reverse the payment transaction which may result to full and instant refund to customers bank account. For reversing transactions we can call refundRequest method.

refundRequest method


  • order_id: Payment verification request id (no unique constraint). We can use same value for order_id and sale_order_id
  • sale_order_id: SaleOrderId returned by gateway
  • sale_reference_id: SaleReferenceId returned by gateway


An object with the following properties:

  • status: success or error
  • message: message describing the status

Code sample:

$args = [
    'terminalId'    => '123',
    'userName'      => '456',
    'userPassword'  => '789'
]; //Replace arguments with your gateway actual values
$ipg = new BehpardakhtIpg($args);
$result = $ipg->refundRequest($_POST['SaleOrderId'], $_POST['SaleOrderId'], $_POST['SaleReferenceId']);

Important Notes

  • verifyRequest method only return success once for each transaction.
  • settleRequest method may be called multiple times for any verified transaction and return success every time.
  • refundRequest method may only be called for settled transactions.