diazoxide / yii2-blog
Advanced Yii2 blog module, posts, categories, tags, comments, books, SEO, social plugins, Slider Revolution e.t.c.
Installs: 277
Dependents: 1
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 11
Watchers: 3
Forks: 4
Open Issues: 5
- ext-fileinfo: *
- ext-json: *
- 2amigos/yii2-ckeditor-widget: dev-master
- 2amigos/yii2-tinymce-widget: ~1.1
- bower-asset/featherlight: ^1.7.6
- bower-asset/font-awesome: ^5.7
- bower-asset/modmore-redactor-plugins: v1.1.3
- bower-asset/sticky-sidebar: *
- chriskonnertz/bbcode: dev-master
- dektrium/yii2-rbac: ^1.0
- dektrium/yii2-user: ^0.9.14
- diazoxide/yii2-infinite-scroll: dev-master
- diazoxide/yii2-revslider: *
- himiklab/yii2-sitemap-module: *
- kartik-v/yii2-widget-datetimepicker: dev-master
- kartik-v/yii2-widget-select2: @dev
- lesha724/yii2-math-captcha: *
- ml/json-ld: 1.*
- parsecsv/php-parsecsv: ^1.1.1
- paulzi/yii2-adjacency-list: ^2.2
- paulzi/yii2-json-behavior: ~1.0.0
- trntv/yii2-aceeditor: ^2.0.0
- voskobovich/yii2-many-many-behavior: ^3.0
- yii-dream-team/yii2-upload-behavior: *
- yiidoc/yii2-redactor: *
- yiisoft/yii2: *
- yiisoft/yii2-imagine: *
- zelenin/yii2-i18n-module: dev-master
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-17 00:52:05 UTC
Advanced Yii2 Blog module. Posts, Categories, Comments, Tags, With Slider Revolution, SEO tags, Social Tags
Flexible blog module like wordpress, you can use this module as CMS, or can use it as simple blog system. Easy to use and user friendly administrator dashboard.
Responsive Bootstrap 3 user interface. (BS4 coming soon) Mobile friendly, web browser optimised front end.
Fully configurable frontend design, without codding.
- Blog Posts
- Title
- Slug
- Multiple Categories for each post
- Brief
- Content - TinyMCE/wysiwyg editor
- Books - Chapters and sub Chapters - Nested structure - Nested breadcrumbs - BBCode support - Custom BBCode styling
- Blog Categories
- Nested hierarchy structure
- UI sorting
- Blog Tags
- Blog Comments
- Local comments
- Facebook comments
- Custom Widgets
- Dynamic widgets
- Custom backend panel
- Custom Styling
- Custom Javascript
- Infinite Scroll for each widgted
- Category integration
- Slider Revolution
add to composer.json
{ "require": { "diazoxide/yii2-blog": "dev-master" } }
common configuration
'modules'=>[ 'blog' => [ 'class' => "diazoxide\blog\Module", 'urlManager' => 'urlManager', 'imgFilePath' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/public/uploads/img/blog/', 'imgFileUrl' => '/uploads/img/blog/', // You can change any view file for each route 'frontendViewsMap'=>[ 'blog/default/index'=>'@app/views/blog/index' ], // You can change any layout for each route 'frontendLayoutMap'=>[ 'blog/default/view'=>'@app/views/layouts/main-with-two-sidebar', 'blog/default/archive'=>'@app/views/layouts/main-with-right-sidebar', ], 'homeTitle'=>'Blog title', 'userModel' => "\app\models\User", 'userPK' => 'id', 'userName' => 'username', 'showClicksInPost'=>false, 'enableShareButtons' => true, 'blogPostPageCount' => '10', 'schemaOrg' => [ 'publisher' => [ 'logo' => '/path/to/logo.png', 'logoWidth' => 200, 'logoHeight' => 47, 'name' => "Blog title", 'phone' => '+1 800 488 80 85', 'address' => 'Address 13/5' ] ] ], ]
backend configuration
$config['modules']['blog']['controllerNamespace'] = 'diazoxide\blog\controllers\backend';
after install run migration command
php yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/diazoxide/yii2-blog/migrations
Module is flexible. You can customize everything in module
UrlManager and custom routes
archive url in frontend
category url in frontend
post url in frontend like a wordpress and seo friendly
'urlManager' => [ 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'showScriptName' => false, 'rules' => [ //F.E. https://blog.com/category/politics '/category/<slug>' => '/blog/default/archive', //F.E. https://blog.com/archive '/archive' => '/blog/default/archive', //F.E. https://blog.com/2019/11/21/your-post-slug [ 'pattern' => '<year:\d{4}>/<month:\d{2}>/<day:\d{2}>/<slug>', 'route' => '/blog/default/view', 'suffix' => '/' ], ], ],
Navigation elements
Integration backend navigation menu
Simply you can use Module builtin function "getNavigation"
echo Nav::widget([ 'encodeLabels' => false, 'options' => ['class' => $class], 'items' => Yii::$app->getModule('blog')->getNavigation() ]);
View files customisation
In config file you can simply customise any view file.
You can create your custom view files and connect it from config.php
'frontendViewsMap' => [ 'blog/default/index'=>'@app/views/blog/index', 'blog/default/index' => 'index', 'blog/default/view' => 'view', 'blog/default/archive' => 'archive', 'blog/default/book' => 'viewBook', 'blog/default/chapter' => 'viewChapter', 'blog/default/chapter-search' => 'searchBookChapter', ],
Layout files customisations
'frontendLayoutMap'=>[ 'blog/default/view'=>'@app/views/layouts/my-custom-layout-1', 'blog/default/archive'=>'@app/views/layouts/my-custom-layout-2', ... ],
- Email: aaron.yor@gmail.com
- Mobile: +374 (98) 47 11 11
- LinkedinÖ‰ https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-yor/