
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Zend Framework 2 Module for dfw-varcrypt

0.1.2 2015-08-11 16:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-05-31 13:16:42 UTC


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This module integrates the DETAIL Framework library for for working with encrypted environment variables with Zend Framework 2.


Zend Framework 2 Skeleton Application (or compatible architecture)


Install the module through Composer using the following steps:

  1. cd my/project/directory

  2. Create a composer.json file with following contents (or update your existing file accordingly):

        "require": {
            "detailnet/dfw-varcrypt-module": "1.x-dev"
  3. Install Composer via curl -s | php (on Windows, download the installer and execute it with PHP)

  4. Run php composer.phar self-update

  5. Run php composer.phar install

  6. Open configs/application.config.php and add following key to your modules:

    'service_manager' => array(
        'delegators' => array(
            'ModuleManager' => array(
                // By attaching this delegator the module Detail\VarCrypt is loaded before
                // all other modules so that the encrypted environment variables can be
                // applied before the configs of the other modules are merged/applied.
  7. Copy vendor/detailnet/dfw-varcrypt-module/config/detail_varcrypt.local.php.dist into your application's config/autoload directory, rename it to detail_varcrypt.local.php and make the appropriate changes.


Save/encode config

Before the module can be used, a config (simple string or JSON encoded string) needs to be encoded and provided as environment variable.

Here's an example for providing MongoDB credentials as a single environment variable:

  1. Define credentials as JSON:

      "server": "localhost",
      "user": "root",
      "password": "root",
      "port": 27017,
      "dbname": null,
      "options": []
  2. Make sure an encryption key is set in detail_varcrypt.local.php.

  3. Encode JSON: php public/index.php varcrypt encode-value {"server": ...}

  4. Save the output as environment variable (e.g. MONGO).

  5. Test that the environment variable can be accessed (at least from the CLI): php public/index.php varcrypt decode-variable MONGO

Apply/decode config

The following steps are necessary, to use an encrypted/encoded environment variable in a ZF2 app.

  1. Add the environment variable to the module's config (in detail_varcrypt.local.php):

    'detail_varcrypt' => array(
        'listeners' => array(
            'Detail\VarCrypt\Listener\MultiEncryptorListener' => array(
                'apply_variables' => array(
  2. Access environment variables as you normally would:

        'doctrine' => array(
            'connection' => array(
                'odm_default' => array(
                    'server' => getenv('MONGO_SERVER') ?: 'localhost',