Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Package to Laravel to received notification from AWS SNS
1 832 0
186 0
descommarket common
4 472 0
DescomMarket Feeds
4 335 0
Descommarket SEO
3 545 0
Package to PHP Developer projects in
1 276 0
PHP class to encode files
141 1
Image manipulation to web
4 823 0
Template to generate a Laravel Package
710 0
Laravel package for supervisor queue:work
1 0
Omnipay Offline Dummy Gateway for testing
5 017 0
Redsys driver for Omnipay
2 106 0
Payment Gateway for Laravel App
5 937 0
Package for Descom
64 0
pipeline to inject plugins
6 606 0
A PHP package to platform Redsys
2 244 0
Build your SMS application with PHP, easy SMS sending and worldwide coverage
227 0