danielgp / fk-scale-mysql
Scaling up the column type for fields used in foreign keys in MySQL can be a daunting activity, now this will be no more!
2016-11-22 13:29 UTC
- php: >=5.5
- ext-mysqli: *
- danielgp/common-lib: >=1.12.2
- danielgp/common-styles: >=1.0.1
- symfony/http-foundation: >3.0
Scaling up the column type for fields used in foreign keys in MySQL can be a daunting activity, now this will be no more!
Packagist statistics by poser.pugx.org
In order to use this package following steps have to be followed:
- Make sure you have installed Composer (https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md) as the used libraries are not distributed by default in the package on GitHub;
- Run "composer update" command from the root folder of this package (same place where "composer.json" is placed;
- Either have access to MySQL to add a new user (default one stored in the configuration (GRANT SELECT ON . TO "web_fk_scale"@"" IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD "*929090A686FB866B5F4B8A89D53E78FAE36D9FDD"; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;) or amend the configuration file (ConfigurationMySQL.php) to match a user that has at least SELECT access to target database and all its dependences (if not all dependencies are known, just allow the user to have read-only access to everything);
- Should you choose to give it a try on an already tested database, you can download "world" database from MySQL official site: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/index-other.html
Final remark: This packages only analyze (not a single modification is performed) and only provides sequence of query to make necessary scaling (up or down) of Foreign Keys in MySQL databases starting from a combination of a Database/Table/Column!