
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

This plugin provides a Two Factor Authentication interface for logging into the wp-admin

v1.0.1 2016-02-12 16:29 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-02-05 22:53:18 UTC


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TwoFactorAuth is a Wordpress plugin that will add an extra layer of security to your Wordpress installation. It sends a text message via the MessageBird API when someone tries to login to the Wordpress Admin.


Via composer

Installating the TwoFactorAuth plugin is a breeze with composer. You can get composer at https://getcomposer.org/.

composer require danielgelling/twofactor:^1.0

Via Github

Installing the TwoFactorAuth plugin via Github can either be done by cloning the repository into the wp-content/plugins directory or downloading a zip file from the repo page.

$ cd /path/to/project/wp-content/plugins
$ git clone https://github.com/danielgelling/twofactorauth.git --branch noob --single-branch twofactorauth

Or unzip the zipped plugin file into the plugins directory.


Turning on the lights

First we'll need to add the plugins configuration file to wp-config.php. We can do this by adding the following:

| Two Factor Authentication Configuration
| Here we require the configuration file for the twofactorauth plugin.

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-content/plugins/twofactorauth/config.php';

Then we need to copy the example config file by executing the following command in the shell (assuming we are in the wp-content/plugins/twofactorauth directory):

$ cp config.example.php config.php

Having done this, we can add our MessageBird API key, the amount of days after which we want to prompt the user to authenticate himself by a text message (so how long an auth_code will be valid) we do this in days and the database table we want to use to store our auth_codes):

define('MESSAGEBIRD_API_KEY', 'live_S0m3Rand0MapiKeY');
define('TWO_FACTOR_EXPIRES_IN', 30);
define('TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_TABLE', 'two_factor_logins');

Then we want to define the sender and the content of the text message:

define('CODE_TEXT_MESSAGE_SENDER', 'Your company\'s name');
define('CODE_TEXT_MESSAGE_CONTENT', 'Your code is: ');

Least but not last, we need to define our invalid code error message:

define('CODE_INVALID_MESSAGE', 'Invalid code');
    'You provided an invalid authentication code.'

Activating the plugin

The last thing we need to do is activate the plugin in the wp-admin. This will be the last time you sign in without Two Factor Authentication, at least for the amount of days you specify to prompt for a new authentication.

So, the only thing we need to do now is click activate and our Wordpress Admin is more secure. Awesome!