
Pipedrive REST client for PHP 2022-05-10 14:10 UTC


Pipedrive is a sales pipeline software that gets you organized. It's a powerful sales CRM with effortless sales pipeline management. See for details.

This is the official Pipedrive API wrapper-client for PHP based apps, distributed by Pipedrive Inc freely under the MIT licence. It provides convenient access to the Pipedrive API, allowing you to operate with objects such as Deals, Persons, Organizations, Products and much more.

⚠️ Version 1 is the initial release of our official php client. It provides its users access to our API in a convenient way using either API tokens or OAuth2.

Please use the issues page for reporting bugs or leaving feedback. Keep in mind most of the code is automatically generated.


You can install the package via composer require command:

composer require pipedrive/pipedrive

Or simply add it to your composer.json dependences and run composer update:

"require": {
    "pipedrive/pipedrive": "^3.0"

API Documentation

The Pipedrive REST API documentation can be found at


This Pipedrive API client is distributed under the MIT licence.

How to use

With a pre-set API token


require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';


// Client configuration
$apiToken = 'YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE';

$client = new Pipedrive\Client(null, null, null, $apiToken); // First 3 parameters are for OAuth2

try {
    $response = $client->getUsers()->getCurrentUserData();
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';
} catch (\Pipedrive\APIException $e) {
    echo $e;

With OAuth 2

In order to setup authentication in the API client, you need the following information.

API client can be initialized as following:

$oAuthClientId = 'oAuthClientId'; // OAuth 2 Client ID
$oAuthClientSecret = 'oAuthClientSecret'; // OAuth 2 Client Secret
$oAuthRedirectUri = ''; // OAuth 2 Redirection endpoint or Callback Uri

$client = new Pipedrive\Client($oAuthClientId, $oAuthClientSecret, $oAuthRedirectUri);

You must now authorize the client.

Authorizing your client

Your application must obtain user authorization before it can execute an endpoint call. The SDK uses OAuth 2.0 authorization to obtain a user's consent to perform an API request on user's behalf.

1. Obtain user consent

To obtain user's consent, you must redirect the user to the authorization page. The buildAuthorizationUrl() method creates the URL to the authorization page.

$authUrl = $client->auth()->buildAuthorizationUrl();
header('Location: ' . filter_var($authUrl, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));

2. Handle the OAuth server response

Once the user responds to the consent request, the OAuth 2.0 server responds to your application's access request by redirecting the user to the redirect URI specified set in Configuration.

If the user approves the request, the authorization code will be sent as the code query string:

If the user does not approve the request, the response contains an error query string:

3. Authorize the client using the code

After the server receives the code, it can exchange this for an access token. The access token is an object containing information for authorizing client requests and refreshing the token itself.

try {
} catch (Pipedrive\Exceptions\OAuthProviderException $ex) {
    // handle exception

Refreshing token

An access token may expire after sometime. To extend its lifetime, you must refresh the token.

if ($client->auth()->isTokenExpired()) {
    try {
    } catch (Pipedrive\Exceptions\OAuthProviderException $ex) {
        // handle exception

If a token expires, the SDK will attempt to automatically refresh the token before the next endpoint call requiring authentication.

Storing an access token for reuse

It is recommended that you store the access token for reuse.

You can store the access token in the $_SESSION global:

// store token
$_SESSION['access_token'] = Pipedrive\Configuration::$oAuthToken;

However, since the the SDK will attempt to automatically refresh the token when it expires, it is recommended that you register a token update callback to detect any change to the access token.

Pipedrive\Configuration::$oAuthTokenUpdateCallback = function($token) {
    // use session or some other way to persist the $token
    $_SESSION['access_token'] = $token;

The token update callback will be fired upon authorization as well as token refresh.

Creating a client from a stored token

To authorize a client from a stored access token, just set the access token in Configuration along with the other configuration parameters before creating the client:

// load token later...
Pipedrive\Configuration::$oAuthToken = $_SESSION['access_token'];

// Set other configuration, then instantiate client
$client = new Pipedrive\Client();

Complete example with OAuth2

In this example, the index.php will first check if an access token is available for the user. If one is not set, it redirects the user to authcallback.php which will obtain an access token and redirect the user back to the index.php page. Now that an access token is set, index.php can use the client to make authorized calls to the server.



require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';


// Client configuration
$oAuthClientId = 'oAuthClientId';
$oAuthClientSecret = 'oAuthClientSecret';
$oAuthRedirectUri = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/authcallback.php';

$client = new Pipedrive\Client($oAuthClientId, $oAuthClientSecret, $oAuthRedirectUri);

// callback stores token for reuse when token is updated
Pipedrive\Configuration::$oAuthTokenUpdateCallback = function($token) {
    $_SESSION['access_token'] = $token;

// check if a token is available
if (isset($_SESSION['access_token']) && $_SESSION['access_token']) {
    // set access token in configuration
    Pipedrive\Configuration::$oAuthToken = $_SESSION['access_token'];

    try {
        $response = $client->getUsers()->getCurrentUserData();
        echo '<pre>';
        echo '</pre>';
    } catch (\Pipedrive\APIException $e) {
        echo $e;

    // now you can use $client to make endpoint calls
    // client will automatically refresh the token when it expires and call the token update callback
} else {
    // redirect user to a page that handles authorization
    header('Location: ' . filter_var($oAuthRedirectUri, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));


require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';


// Client configuration
$oAuthClientId = 'oAuthClientId';
$oAuthClientSecret = 'oAuthClientSecret';
$oAuthRedirectUri = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/authcallback.php';

$client = new Pipedrive\Client($oAuthClientId, $oAuthClientSecret, $oAuthRedirectUri);

// callback stores token for reuse when token is updated
Pipedrive\Configuration::$oAuthTokenUpdateCallback = function($token) {
    $_SESSION['access_token'] = $token;

if (! isset($_GET['code'])) {
    // if authorization code is absent, redirect to authorization page
    $authUrl = $client->auth()->buildAuthorizationUrl();
    header('Location: ' . filter_var($authUrl, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
} else {
    try {
        // authorize client (calls token update callback as well)
        $token = $client->auth()->authorize($_GET['code']);

        // resume user activity
        $redirect_uri = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/';
        header('Location: ' . filter_var($redirect_uri, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
    } catch (Pipedrive\Exceptions\OAuthProviderException $ex) {
        // handle exception


  • Run tests
  • Open a pull request

Please be aware that most of the code is auto-generated. You are welcome to suggest changes and report bugs. However, any updates will have to be implemented in the underlying generator.

How to Test

Unit tests in this SDK can be run using PHPUnit.

  1. First install the dependencies using composer including the require-dev dependencies.
  2. Run vendor\bin\phpunit --verbose from commandline to execute tests. If you have installed PHPUnit globally, run tests using phpunit --verbose instead.

You can change the PHPUnit test configuration in the phpunit.xml file.

Class Reference

List of Controllers

Class: ActivitiesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ActivitiesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$activities = $client->getActivities();

Method: deleteMultipleActivitiesInBulk

Marks multiple activities as deleted.

function deleteMultipleActivitiesInBulk($ids)


Example Usage

$ids = 'ids';


Method: getAllActivitiesAssignedToAParticularUser

Returns all activities assigned to a particular user.

function getAllActivitiesAssignedToAParticularUser($options)


Example Usage

$userId = 119;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$filterId = 119;
$collect['filterId'] = $filterId;

$type = 'type';
$collect['type'] = $type;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 119;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$startDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['startDate'] = $startDate;

$endDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['endDate'] = $endDate;

$done = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['done'] = $done;


Method: addAnActivity

Adds a new activity. Includes more_activities_scheduled_in_context property in response's additional_data which indicates whether there are more undone activities scheduled with the same deal, person or organization (depending on the supplied data). For more information on how to add an activity, see this tutorial.

function addAnActivity($options)


Example Usage

$subject = 'subject';
$collect['subject'] = $subject;

$type = 'type';
$collect['type'] = $type;

$done = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['done'] = $done;

$dueDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['dueDate'] = $dueDate;

$dueTime = 'due_time';
$collect['dueTime'] = $dueTime;

$duration = 'duration';
$collect['duration'] = $duration;

$userId = 119;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$dealId = 119;
$collect['dealId'] = $dealId;

$personId = 119;
$collect['personId'] = $personId;

$participants = 'participants';
$collect['participants'] = $participants;

$orgId = 119;
$collect['orgId'] = $orgId;

$note = 'note';
$collect['note'] = $note;


Method: deleteAnActivity

Deletes an activity.

function deleteAnActivity($id)


Example Usage

$id = 119;


Method: getDetailsOfAnActivity

Returns details of a specific activity.

function getDetailsOfAnActivity($id)


Example Usage

$id = 119;


Method: updateEditAnActivity

Modifies an activity. Includes more_activities_scheduled_in_context property in response's additional_data which indicates whether there are more undone activities scheduled with the same deal, person or organization (depending on the supplied data).

function updateEditAnActivity($options)


Example Usage

$id = 119;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$subject = 'subject';
$collect['subject'] = $subject;

$type = 'type';
$collect['type'] = $type;

$done = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['done'] = $done;

$dueDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['dueDate'] = $dueDate;

$dueTime = 'due_time';
$collect['dueTime'] = $dueTime;

$duration = 'duration';
$collect['duration'] = $duration;

$userId = 119;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$dealId = 119;
$collect['dealId'] = $dealId;

$personId = 119;
$collect['personId'] = $personId;

$participants = 'participants';
$collect['participants'] = $participants;

$orgId = 119;
$collect['orgId'] = $orgId;

$note = 'note';
$collect['note'] = $note;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: ActivityFieldsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ActivityFieldsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$activityFields = $client->getActivityFields();

Method: getAllFieldsForAnActivity

Return list of all fields for activity

function getAllFieldsForAnActivity()

Example Usage


Back to List of Controllers

Class: ActivityTypesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ActivityTypesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$activityTypes = $client->getActivityTypes();

Method: deleteMultipleActivityTypesInBulk

Marks multiple activity types as deleted.

function deleteMultipleActivityTypesInBulk($ids)


Example Usage

$ids = 'ids';


Method: getAllActivityTypes

Returns all activity types

function getAllActivityTypes()

Example Usage


Method: addNewActivityType

Adds a new activity type, returns the ID, the key_string and the order number of the newly added activity type upon success.

function addNewActivityType($options)


Example Usage

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$iconKey = string::TASK;
$collect['iconKey'] = $iconKey;

$color = 'color';
$collect['color'] = $color;


Method: deleteAnActivityType

Marks an activity type as deleted.

function deleteAnActivityType($id)


Example Usage

$id = 119;


Method: updateEditActivityType

Updates an activity type.

function updateEditActivityType($options)


Example Usage

$id = 119;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$iconKey = string::TASK;
$collect['iconKey'] = $iconKey;

$color = 'color';
$collect['color'] = $color;

$orderNr = 119;
$collect['orderNr'] = $orderNr;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: CallLogsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the CallLogsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$callLogs = $client->getCallLogs();

Method: getAllCallLogsAssignedToAParticularUser

Returns all call logs assigned to a particular user

function getAllCallLogsAssignedToAParticularUser($options)


Example Usage

$start = 0;
$options['start'] = $start;

$limit = 119;
$options['limit'] = $limit;


Method: getDetailsOfACallLog

Returns details of a specific call log

function getDetailsOfACallLog($id)


Example Usage

$id = 1;


Method: addACallLog

Adds a new call log

function addACallLog($collect)


Example Usage

$subject = 'subject';
$collect['subject'] = $subject;

$duration = 60;
$collect['duration'] = $duration;

$outcome = 'connected'
$collect['outcome'] = $connected;

$fromPhoneNumber = '+55 555 5555';
$collect['from_phone_number'] = $fromPhoneNumber;

$fromPhoneNumber = '+55 555 5556';
$collect['to_phone_number'] = $fromPhoneNumber;

$startTime = '2021-01-30 22:30:00';
$collect['start_time'] = $startTime;

$endTime = '2021-01-30 22:31:00';
$collect['end_time'] = $endTime;

$personId = 1;
$collect['person_id'] = $personId;

$orgId = 1;
$collect['org_id'] = $orgId;

$dealId = 1;
$collect['deal_id'] = $dealId;

$note = 'note';
$collect['note'] = $note;


Method: attachAnAudioFileToTheCallLog

Adds an audio recording to the call log. That audio can be played by those who have access to the call log object.

function attachAnAudioFileToTheCallLog($id, $collect)


Example Usage

$id = 'id';

$file = "PathToFile";
$collect['file'] = $file;

$callLogs->attachAnAudioFileToTheCallLog($id, $collect);

Method: deleteACallLog

Deletes a call log. If there is an audio recording attached to it, it will also be deleted. The related activity will not be removed by this request. If you want to remove the related activities, please use the endpoint which is specific for activities.

function deleteACallLog($id)


Example Usage

$id = 'id';


Back to List of Controllers

Class: CurrenciesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the CurrenciesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$currencies = $client->getCurrencies();

Method: getAllSupportedCurrencies

Returns all supported currencies in given account which should be used when saving monetary values with other objects. The 'code' parameter of the returning objects is the currency code according to ISO 4217 for all non-custom currencies.

function getAllSupportedCurrencies($term = null)


Example Usage

$term = 'term';

$result = $currencies->getAllSupportedCurrencies($term);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: DealFieldsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the DealFieldsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$dealFields = $client->getDealFields();

Method: deleteMultipleDealFieldsInBulk

Marks multiple fields as deleted.

function deleteMultipleDealFieldsInBulk($ids)


Example Usage

$ids = 'ids';


Method: getAllDealFields

Returns data about all fields deals can have

function getAllDealFields($options)


Example Usage

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 119;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Method: addANewDealField

Adds a new deal field. For more information on adding a new custom field, see this tutorial.

function addANewDealField($body = null)


Example Usage

$body = array('key' => 'value');


Method: deleteADealField

Marks a field as deleted. For more information on how to delete a custom field, see this tutorial.

function deleteADealField($id)


Example Usage

$id = 119;


Method: getOneDealField

Returns data about a specific deal field.

function getOneDealField($id)


Example Usage

$id = 119;


Method: updateADealField

Updates a deal field. See an example of updating custom fields’ values in this tutorial.

function updateADealField($options)


Example Usage

$id = 119;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$options = 'options';
$collect['options'] = $options;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: DealsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the DealsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$deals = $client->getDeals();

Method: deleteMultipleDealsInBulk

Marks multiple deals as deleted.

function deleteMultipleDealsInBulk($ids)


Example Usage

$ids = 'ids';

$result = $deals->deleteMultipleDealsInBulk($ids);

Method: getAllDeals

Returns all deals. For more information on how to get all deals, see this tutorial.

function getAllDeals($options)


Example Usage

$userId = 119;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$filterId = 119;
$collect['filterId'] = $filterId;

$stageId = 119;
$collect['stageId'] = $stageId;

$status = string::ALL_NOT_DELETED;
$collect['status'] = $status;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 119;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$sort = 'sort';
$collect['sort'] = $sort;

$ownedByYou = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['ownedByYou'] = $ownedByYou;

$result = $deals->getAllDeals($collect);

Method: searchDeals

Searches all Deals by title, notes and/or custom fields. This endpoint is a wrapper of /v1/itemSearch with a narrower OAuth scope. Found Deals can be filtered by Person ID and Organization ID.

function searchDeals($options)


Example Usage

$term = 'term';
$collect['term'] = $term;

$results = $deals->searchDeals($collect);

Method: addADeal

Adds a new deal. Note that you can supply additional custom fields along with the request that are not described here. These custom fields are different for each Pipedrive account and can be recognized by long hashes as keys. To determine which custom fields exists, fetch the dealFields and look for 'key' values. For more information on how to add a deal, see this tutorial.

function addADeal($body = null)


Example Usage

$body = array('key' => 'value');

$result = $deals->addADeal($body);

Method: getDealsSummary

Returns summary of all the deals.

function getDealsSummary($options)


Example Usage

$status = string::OPEN;
$collect['status'] = $status;

$filterId = 119;
$collect['filterId'] = $filterId;

$userId = 119;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$stageId = 119;
$collect['stageId'] = $stageId;

$result = $deals->getDealsSummary($collect);

Method: getDealsTimeline

Returns open and won deals, grouped by defined interval of time set in a date-type dealField (field_key) — e.g. when month is the chosen interval, and 3 months are asked starting from January 1st, 2012, deals are returned grouped into 3 groups — January, February and March — based on the value of the given field_key.

function getDealsTimeline($options)


Example Usage

$startDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['startDate'] = $startDate;

$interval = string::DAY;
$collect['interval'] = $interval;

$amount = 119;
$collect['amount'] = $amount;

$fieldKey = 'field_key';
$collect['fieldKey'] = $fieldKey;

$userId = 119;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$pipelineId = 119;
$collect['pipelineId'] = $pipelineId;

$filterId = 119;
$collect['filterId'] = $filterId;

$excludeDeals = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['excludeDeals'] = $excludeDeals;

$totalsConvertCurrency = 'totals_convert_currency';
$collect['totalsConvertCurrency'] = $totalsConvertCurrency;

$result = $deals->getDealsTimeline($collect);

Method: deleteADeal

Marks a deal as deleted.

function deleteADeal($id)


Example Usage

$id = 119;

$result = $deals->deleteADeal($id);

Method: getDetailsOfADeal

Returns details of a specific deal. Note that this also returns some additional fields which are not present when asking for all deals – such as deal age and stay in pipeline stages. Also note that custom fields appear as long hashes in the resulting data. These hashes can be mapped against the 'key' value of dealFields. For more information on how to get all details of a deal, see this tutorial.

function getDetailsOfADeal($id)


Example Usage

$id = 119;

$result = $deals->getDetailsOfADeal($id);

Method: updateADeal

Updates the properties of a deal. Note that you can supply additional custom fields along with the request that are not described here. These custom fields are different for each Pipedrive account and can be recognized by long hashes as keys. To determine which custom fields exists, fetch the dealFields and look for 'key' values. For more information on how to update a deal, see this tutorial.

function updateADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$title = 'title';
$collect['title'] = $title;

$value = 'value';
$collect['value'] = $value;

$currency = 'currency';
$collect['currency'] = $currency;

$userId = 27;
$collect['user_id'] = $userId;

$personId = 27;
$collect['person_id'] = $personId;

$orgId = 27;
$collect['org_id'] = $orgId;

$stageId = 27;
$collect['stage_id'] = $stageId;

$status = string::OPEN;
$collect['status'] = $status;

$probability = 27.9633801840075;
$collect['probability'] = $probability;

$lostReason = 'lost_reason';
$collect['lost_reason'] = $lostReason;

$visibleTo = int::ENUM_1;
$collect['visible_to'] = $visibleTo;

$result = $deals->updateADeal($collect);

Method: listActivitiesAssociatedWithADeal

Lists activities associated with a deal.

function listActivitiesAssociatedWithADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 27;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$done = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['done'] = $done;

$exclude = 'exclude';
$collect['exclude'] = $exclude;


Method: createDuplicateDeal

Duplicate a deal

function createDuplicateDeal($id)


Example Usage

$id = 27;

$result = $deals->createDuplicateDeal($id);

Method: listFilesAttachedToADeal

Lists files associated with a deal.

function listFilesAttachedToADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 27;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$includeDeletedFiles = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['includeDeletedFiles'] = $includeDeletedFiles;

$sort = 'sort';
$collect['sort'] = $sort;


Method: listUpdatesAboutADeal

Lists updates about a deal.

function listUpdatesAboutADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 27;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Method: listFollowersOfADeal

Lists the followers of a deal.

function listFollowersOfADeal($id)


Example Usage

$id = 27;


Method: addAFollowerToADeal

Adds a follower to a deal.

function addAFollowerToADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$userId = 27;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$result = $deals->addAFollowerToADeal($collect);

Method: deleteAFollowerFromADeal

Deletes a follower from a deal.

function deleteAFollowerFromADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$followerId = 27;
$collect['followerId'] = $followerId;

$result = $deals->deleteAFollowerFromADeal($collect);

Method: listMailMessagesAssociatedWithADeal

Lists mail messages associated with a deal.

function listMailMessagesAssociatedWithADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 27;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Method: updateMergeTwoDeals

Merges a deal with another deal. For more information on how to merge two deals, see this tutorial.

function updateMergeTwoDeals($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$mergeWithId = 27;
$collect['mergeWithId'] = $mergeWithId;

$result = $deals->updateMergeTwoDeals($collect);

Method: listParticipantsOfADeal

Lists participants associated with a deal.

function listParticipantsOfADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 27;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Method: addAParticipantToADeal

Adds a participant to a deal.

function addAParticipantToADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$personId = 27;
$collect['personId'] = $personId;


Method: deleteAParticipantFromADeal

Deletes a participant from a deal.

function deleteAParticipantFromADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$dealParticipantId = 27;
$collect['dealParticipantId'] = $dealParticipantId;

$result = $deals->deleteAParticipantFromADeal($collect);

Method: listPermittedUsers

List users permitted to access a deal

function listPermittedUsers($id)


Example Usage

$id = 27;


Method: listAllPersonsAssociatedWithADeal

Lists all persons associated with a deal, regardless of whether the person is the primary contact of the deal, or added as a participant.

function listAllPersonsAssociatedWithADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 27;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Method: listProductsAttachedToADeal

Lists products attached to a deal.

function listProductsAttachedToADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 27;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$includeProductData = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['includeProductData'] = $includeProductData;


Method: addAProductToTheDealEventuallyCreatingANewItemCalledADealProduct

Adds a product to the deal.

function addAProductToTheDealEventuallyCreatingANewItemCalledADealProduct($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$body = array('key' => 'value');
$collect['body'] = $body;

$result = $deals->addAProductToTheDealEventuallyCreatingANewItemCalledADealProduct($collect);

Method: updateProductAttachmentDetailsOfTheDealProductAProductAlreadyAttachedToADeal

Updates product attachment details.

function updateProductAttachmentDetailsOfTheDealProductAProductAlreadyAttachedToADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$productAttachmentId = 27;
$collect['productAttachmentId'] = $productAttachmentId;

$itemPrice = 27.9633801840075;
$collect['itemPrice'] = $itemPrice;

$quantity = 27;
$collect['quantity'] = $quantity;

$discountPercentage = 27.9633801840075;
$collect['discountPercentage'] = $discountPercentage;

$duration = 27.9633801840075;
$collect['duration'] = $duration;

$productVariationId = 27;
$collect['productVariationId'] = $productVariationId;

$comments = 'comments';
$collect['comments'] = $comments;

$enabledFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['enabledFlag'] = $enabledFlag;

$result = $deals->updateProductAttachmentDetailsOfTheDealProductAProductAlreadyAttachedToADeal($collect);

Method: deleteAnAttachedProductFromADeal

Deletes a product attachment from a deal, using the product_attachment_id.

function deleteAnAttachedProductFromADeal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$productAttachmentId = 27;
$collect['productAttachmentId'] = $productAttachmentId;

$result = $deals->deleteAnAttachedProductFromADeal($collect);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: FilesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the FilesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$files = $client->getFiles();

Method: getAllFiles

Returns data about all files.

function getAllFiles($options)


Example Usage

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 27;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$includeDeletedFiles = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['includeDeletedFiles'] = $includeDeletedFiles;

$sort = 'sort';
$collect['sort'] = $sort;


Method: addFile

Lets you upload a file and associate it with Deal, Person, Organization, Activity or Product. For more information on how to add a file, see this tutorial.

function addFile($options)


Example Usage

$file = "PathToFile";
$collect['file'] = $file;

$dealId = 27;
$collect['dealId'] = $dealId;

$personId = 27;
$collect['personId'] = $personId;

$orgId = 27;
$collect['orgId'] = $orgId;

$productId = 27;
$collect['productId'] = $productId;

$activityId = 27;
$collect['activityId'] = $activityId;

$noteId = 27;
$collect['noteId'] = $noteId;


Method: createARemoteFileAndLinkItToAnItem

Creates a new empty file in the remote location (googledrive) that will be linked to the item you supply. For more information on how to add a remote file, see this tutorial.

function createARemoteFileAndLinkItToAnItem($options)


Example Usage

$fileType = string::GDOC;
$collect['fileType'] = $fileType;

$title = 'title';
$collect['title'] = $title;

$itemType = string::DEAL;
$collect['itemType'] = $itemType;

$itemId = 27;
$collect['itemId'] = $itemId;

$remoteLocation = string::GOOGLEDRIVE;
$collect['remoteLocation'] = $remoteLocation;


Method: createLinkARemoteFileToAnItem

Links an existing remote file (googledrive) to the item you supply. For more information on how to link a remote file, see this tutorial.

function createLinkARemoteFileToAnItem($options)


Example Usage

$itemType = string::DEAL;
$collect['itemType'] = $itemType;

$itemId = 27;
$collect['itemId'] = $itemId;

$remoteId = 'remote_id';
$collect['remoteId'] = $remoteId;

$remoteLocation = string::GOOGLEDRIVE;
$collect['remoteLocation'] = $remoteLocation;


Method: deleteAFile

Marks a file as deleted.

function deleteAFile($id)


Example Usage

$id = 27;


Method: getOneFile

Returns data about a specific file.

function getOneFile($id)


Example Usage

$id = 27;


Method: updateFileDetails

Updates the properties of a file.

function updateFileDetails($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$description = 'description';
$collect['description'] = $description;


Method: getDownloadOneFile

Initializes a file download.

function getDownloadOneFile($id)


Example Usage

$id = 27;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: FiltersController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the FiltersController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$filters = $client->getFilters();

Method: deleteMultipleFiltersInBulk

Marks multiple filters as deleted.

function deleteMultipleFiltersInBulk($ids)


Example Usage

$ids = 'ids';


Method: getAllFilters

Returns data about all filters

function getAllFilters($type = null)


Example Usage

$type = string::DEALS;


Method: addANewFilter

Adds a new filter, returns the ID upon success. Note that in the conditions json object only one first-level condition group is supported, and it must be glued with 'AND', and only two second level condition groups are supported of which one must be glued with 'AND' and the second with 'OR'. Other combinations do not work (yet) but the syntax supports introducing them in future. For more information on how to add a new filter, see this tutorial.

function addANewFilter($options)


Example Usage

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$conditions = 'conditions';
$collect['conditions'] = $conditions;

$type = string::DEALS;
$collect['type'] = $type;


Method: getAllFilterHelpers

Returns all supported filter helpers. It helps to know what conditions and helpers are available when you want to add or update filters. For more information on how filter’s helpers can be used, see this tutorial.

function getAllFilterHelpers()

Example Usage


Method: deleteAFilter

Marks a filter as deleted.

function deleteAFilter($id)


Example Usage

$id = 27;


Method: getOneFilter

Returns data about a specific filter. Note that this also returns the condition lines of the filter.

function getOneFilter($id)


Example Usage

$id = 27;


Method: updateFilter

Updates existing filter.

function updateFilter($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$conditions = 'conditions';
$collect['conditions'] = $conditions;

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: GlobalMessagesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the GlobalMessagesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$globalMessages = $client->getGlobalMessages();

Method: getGlobalMessages

Returns data about global messages to display for the authorized user.

function getGlobalMessages($limit = 1)


Example Usage

$limit = 1;

$result = $globalMessages->getGlobalMessages($limit);

Method: deleteDismissAGlobalMessage

Removes global message from being shown, if message is dismissible

function deleteDismissAGlobalMessage($id)


Example Usage

$id = 27;

$result = $globalMessages->deleteDismissAGlobalMessage($id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: GoalsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the GoalsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$goals = $client->getGoals();

Method: addANewGoal

Adds a new goal.

function addANewGoal($body = null)


Example Usage

$body = array('key' => 'value');


Method: findGoals

Returns data about goals based on criteria. For searching, append {searchField}={searchValue} to the URL, where searchField can be any one of the lowest-level fields in dot-notation (e.g. type.params.pipeline_id; title). searchValue should be the value you are looking for on that field. Additionally, is_active=<true|false> can be provided to search for only active/inactive goals. When providing period.start, period.end must also be provided and vice versa.

function findGoals($options)


Example Usage

$typeName = string::DEALS_WON;
$collect['typeName'] = $typeName;

$title = 'title';
$collect['title'] = $title;

$isActive = true;
$collect['isActive'] = $isActive;

$assigneeId = 27;
$collect['assigneeId'] = $assigneeId;

$assigneeType = string::PERSON;
$collect['assigneeType'] = $assigneeType;

$expectedOutcomeTarget = 27.9633801840075;
$collect['expectedOutcomeTarget'] = $expectedOutcomeTarget;

$expectedOutcomeTrackingMetric = string::QUANTITY;
$collect['expectedOutcomeTrackingMetric'] = $expectedOutcomeTrackingMetric;

$expectedOutcomeCurrencyId = 27;
$collect['expectedOutcomeCurrencyId'] = $expectedOutcomeCurrencyId;

$typeParamsPipelineId = 27;
$collect['typeParamsPipelineId'] = $typeParamsPipelineId;

$typeParamsStageId = 27;
$collect['typeParamsStageId'] = $typeParamsStageId;

$typeParamsActivityTypeId = 27;
$collect['typeParamsActivityTypeId'] = $typeParamsActivityTypeId;

$periodStart = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['periodStart'] = $periodStart;

$periodEnd = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['periodEnd'] = $periodEnd;


Method: updateExistingGoal

Updates existing goal.

function updateExistingGoal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 'id';
$collect['id'] = $id;

$title = 'title';
$collect['title'] = $title;

$assignee = array('key' => 'value');
$collect['assignee'] = $assignee;

$type = array('key' => 'value');
$collect['type'] = $type;

$expectedOutcome = array('key' => 'value');
$collect['expectedOutcome'] = $expectedOutcome;

$duration = array('key' => 'value');
$collect['duration'] = $duration;

$interval = string::WEEKLY;
$collect['interval'] = $interval;


Method: deleteExistingGoal

Marks goal as deleted.

function deleteExistingGoal($id)


Example Usage

$id = 'id';


Method: getResultOfAGoal

Gets progress of a goal for specified period.

function getResultOfAGoal($options)


Example Usage

$id = 'id';
$collect['id'] = $id;

$periodStart = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['periodStart'] = $periodStart;

$periodEnd = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['periodEnd'] = $periodEnd;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: ItemSearchController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ItemSearchController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$itemSearch = $client->getItemSearch();

Method: performASearchFromMultipleItemTypes

Perform a search from multiple item types

function performASearchFromMultipleItemTypes($options)


Example Usage

$term = 'term';
$collect['term'] = $term;

$results = $itemSearch->performASearchFromMultipleItemTypes($collect);

Method: performASearchUsingASpecificFieldFromAnItemType

Perform a search using a specific field from an item type

function performASearchUsingASpecificFieldFromAnItemType($options)


Example Usage

$collect['term'] = 'term';
$collect['fieldType'] = 'dealField';
$collect['fieldKey'] = 'title';

$results = $itemSearch->performASearchUsingASpecificFieldFromAnItemType($collect);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: MailMessagesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the MailMessagesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$mailMessages = $client->getMailMessages();

Method: getOneMailMessage

Returns data about specific mail message.

function getOneMailMessage($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$includeBody = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['includeBody'] = $includeBody;

$result = $mailMessages->getOneMailMessage($collect);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: MailThreadsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the MailThreadsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$mailThreads = $client->getMailThreads();

Method: getMailThreads

Returns mail threads in specified folder ordered by most recent message within.

function getMailThreads($options)


Example Usage

$folder = string::INBOX;
$collect['folder'] = $folder;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 27;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$result = $mailThreads->getMailThreads($collect);

Method: deleteMailThread

Marks mail thread as deleted.

function deleteMailThread($id)


Example Usage

$id = 27;

$result = $mailThreads->deleteMailThread($id);

Method: getOneMailThread

Returns specific mail thread.

function getOneMailThread($id)


Example Usage

$id = 27;

$result = $mailThreads->getOneMailThread($id);

Method: updateMailThreadDetails

Updates the properties of a mail thread.

function updateMailThreadDetails($options)


Example Usage

$id = 27;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$dealId = 27;
$collect['dealId'] = $dealId;

$sharedFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['sharedFlag'] = $sharedFlag;

$readFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['readFlag'] = $readFlag;

$archivedFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['archivedFlag'] = $archivedFlag;

$result = $mailThreads->updateMailThreadDetails($collect);

Method: getAllMailMessagesOfMailThread

Get mail messages inside specified mail thread.

function getAllMailMessagesOfMailThread($id)


Example Usage

$id = 27;

$result = $mailThreads->getAllMailMessagesOfMailThread($id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: NoteFieldsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the NoteFieldsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$noteFields = $client->getNoteFields();

Method: getAllFieldsForANote

Return list of all fields for note

function getAllFieldsForANote()

Example Usage


Back to List of Controllers

Class: NotesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the NotesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$notes = $client->getNotes();

Method: getAllNotes

Returns all notes.

function getAllNotes($options)


Example Usage

$userId = 69;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$leadId = 'adf21080-0e10-11eb-879b-05d71fb426ec';
$collect['leadId'] = $leadId;

$dealId = 69;
$collect['dealId'] = $dealId;

$personId = 69;
$collect['personId'] = $personId;

$orgId = 69;
$collect['orgId'] = $orgId;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 69;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$sort = 'sort';
$collect['sort'] = $sort;

$startDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['startDate'] = $startDate;

$endDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['endDate'] = $endDate;

$pinnedToLeadFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['pinnedToLeadFlag'] = $pinnedToLeadFlag;

$pinnedToDealFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['pinnedToDealFlag'] = $pinnedToDealFlag;

$pinnedToOrganizationFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['pinnedToOrganizationFlag'] = $pinnedToOrganizationFlag;

$pinnedToPersonFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['pinnedToPersonFlag'] = $pinnedToPersonFlag;

$result = $notes->getAllNotes($collect);

Method: addANote

Adds a new note.

function addANote($options)


Example Usage

$content = 'content';
$collect['content'] = $content;

$userId = 69;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$leadId = 'adf21080-0e10-11eb-879b-05d71fb426ec';
$collect['leadId'] = $leadId;

$dealId = 69;
$collect['dealId'] = $dealId;

$personId = 69;
$collect['personId'] = $personId;

$orgId = 69;
$collect['orgId'] = $orgId;

$addTime = 'add_time';
$collect['addTime'] = $addTime;

$pinnedToLeadFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['pinnedToLeadFlag'] = $pinnedToLeadFlag;

$pinnedToDealFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['pinnedToDealFlag'] = $pinnedToDealFlag;

$pinnedToOrganizationFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['pinnedToOrganizationFlag'] = $pinnedToOrganizationFlag;

$pinnedToPersonFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['pinnedToPersonFlag'] = $pinnedToPersonFlag;

$result = $notes->addANote($collect);

Method: deleteANote

Deletes a specific note.

function deleteANote($id)


Example Usage

$id = 69;

$result = $notes->deleteANote($id);

Method: getOneNote

Returns details about a specific note.

function getOneNote($id)


Example Usage

$id = 69;

$result = $notes->getOneNote($id);

Method: updateANote

Updates a note.

function updateANote($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$content = 'content';
$collect['content'] = $content;

$userId = 69;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$leadId = 'adf21080-0e10-11eb-879b-05d71fb426ec';
$collect['leadId'] = $leadId;

$dealId = 69;
$collect['dealId'] = $dealId;

$personId = 69;
$collect['personId'] = $personId;

$orgId = 69;
$collect['orgId'] = $orgId;

$addTime = 'add_time';
$collect['addTime'] = $addTime;

$pinnedToLeadFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['pinnedToLeadFlag'] = $pinnedToLeadFlag;

$pinnedToDealFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['pinnedToDealFlag'] = $pinnedToDealFlag;

$pinnedToOrganizationFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['pinnedToOrganizationFlag'] = $pinnedToOrganizationFlag;

$pinnedToPersonFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['pinnedToPersonFlag'] = $pinnedToPersonFlag;

$result = $notes->updateANote($collect);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: OrganizationFieldsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the OrganizationFieldsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$organizationFields = $client->getOrganizationFields();

Method: deleteMultipleOrganizationFieldsInBulk

Marks multiple fields as deleted.

function deleteMultipleOrganizationFieldsInBulk($ids)


Example Usage

$ids = 'ids';


Method: getAllOrganizationFields

Returns data about all organization fields

function getAllOrganizationFields()

Example Usage


Method: addANewOrganizationField

Adds a new organization field. For more information on adding a new custom field, see this tutorial.

function addANewOrganizationField($body = null)


Example Usage

$body = array('key' => 'value');


Method: deleteAnOrganizationField

Marks a field as deleted. For more information on how to delete a custom field, see this tutorial.

function deleteAnOrganizationField($id)


Example Usage

$id = 69;


Method: getOneOrganizationField

Returns data about a specific organization field.

function getOneOrganizationField($id)


Example Usage

$id = 69;


Method: updateAnOrganizationField

Updates an organization field. See an example of updating custom fields’ values in this tutorial.

function updateAnOrganizationField($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$options = 'options';
$collect['options'] = $options;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: OrganizationRelationshipsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the OrganizationRelationshipsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$organizationRelationships = $client->getOrganizationRelationships();

Method: getAllRelationshipsForOrganization

Gets all of the relationships for a supplied organization id.

function getAllRelationshipsForOrganization($orgId)


Example Usage

$orgId = 69;


Method: createAnOrganizationRelationship

Creates and returns an organization relationship.

function createAnOrganizationRelationship($body = null)


Example Usage

$body = array('key' => 'value');


Method: deleteAnOrganizationRelationship

Deletes an organization relationship and returns the deleted id.

function deleteAnOrganizationRelationship($id)


Example Usage

$id = 69;


Method: getOneOrganizationRelationship

Finds and returns an organization relationship from its ID.

function getOneOrganizationRelationship($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$orgId = 69;
$collect['orgId'] = $orgId;


Method: updateAnOrganizationRelationship

Updates and returns an organization relationship.

function updateAnOrganizationRelationship($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$orgId = 69;
$collect['orgId'] = $orgId;

$type = string::PARENT;
$collect['type'] = $type;

$relOwnerOrgId = 69;
$collect['relOwnerOrgId'] = $relOwnerOrgId;

$relLinkedOrgId = 69;
$collect['relLinkedOrgId'] = $relLinkedOrgId;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: OrganizationsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the OrganizationsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$organizations = $client->getOrganizations();

Method: deleteMultipleOrganizationsInBulk

Marks multiple organizations as deleted.

function deleteMultipleOrganizationsInBulk($ids)


Example Usage

$ids = 'ids';


Method: getAllOrganizations

Returns all organizations

function getAllOrganizations($options)


Example Usage

$userId = 69;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$filterId = 69;
$collect['filterId'] = $filterId;

$firstChar = 'first_char';
$collect['firstChar'] = $firstChar;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 69;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$sort = 'sort';
$collect['sort'] = $sort;


Method: searchOrganizations

Searches all Organizations by name, address, notes and/or custom fields. This endpoint is a wrapper of /v1/itemSearch with a narrower OAuth scope.

function searchOrganizations($options)


Example Usage

$term = 'term';
$collect['term'] = $term;

$results = $organizations->searchOrganizations($collect);

Method: addAnOrganization

Adds a new organization. Note that you can supply additional custom fields along with the request that are not described here. These custom fields are different for each Pipedrive account and can be recognized by long hashes as keys. To determine which custom fields exists, fetch the organizationFields and look for 'key' values. For more information on how to add an organization, see this tutorial.

function addAnOrganization($body = null)


Example Usage

$body = array('key' => 'value');


Method: deleteAnOrganization

Marks an organization as deleted.

function deleteAnOrganization($id)


Example Usage

$id = 69;


Method: getDetailsOfAnOrganization

Returns details of an organization. Note that this also returns some additional fields which are not present when asking for all organizations. Also note that custom fields appear as long hashes in the resulting data. These hashes can be mapped against the 'key' value of organizationFields.

function getDetailsOfAnOrganization($id)


Example Usage

$id = 69;


Method: updateAnOrganization

Updates the properties of an organization. Note that you can supply additional custom fields along with the request that are not described here. These custom fields are different for each Pipedrive account and can be recognized by long hashes as keys. To determine which custom fields exists, fetch the organizationFields and look for 'key' values.

function updateAnOrganization($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$ownerId = 69;
$collect['ownerId'] = $ownerId;

$visibleTo = int::ENUM_1;
$collect['visibleTo'] = $visibleTo;


Method: listActivitiesAssociatedWithAnOrganization

Lists activities associated with an organization.

function listActivitiesAssociatedWithAnOrganization($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 69;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$done = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['done'] = $done;

$exclude = 'exclude';
$collect['exclude'] = $exclude;


Method: listDealsAssociatedWithAnOrganization

Lists deals associated with an organization.

function listDealsAssociatedWithAnOrganization($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 69;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$status = string::ALL_NOT_DELETED;
$collect['status'] = $status;

$sort = 'sort';
$collect['sort'] = $sort;

$onlyPrimaryAssociation = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['onlyPrimaryAssociation'] = $onlyPrimaryAssociation;


Method: listFilesAttachedToAnOrganization

Lists files associated with an organization.

function listFilesAttachedToAnOrganization($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 69;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$includeDeletedFiles = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['includeDeletedFiles'] = $includeDeletedFiles;

$sort = 'sort';
$collect['sort'] = $sort;


Method: listUpdatesAboutAnOrganization

Lists updates about an organization.

function listUpdatesAboutAnOrganization($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 69;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Method: listFollowersOfAnOrganization

Lists the followers of an organization.

function listFollowersOfAnOrganization($id)


Example Usage

$id = 69;


Method: addAFollowerToAnOrganization

Adds a follower to an organization.

function addAFollowerToAnOrganization($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$userId = 69;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;


Method: deleteAFollowerFromAnOrganization

Deletes a follower from an organization. You can retrieve the follower_id from the List followers of an organization endpoint.

function deleteAFollowerFromAnOrganization($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$followerId = 69;
$collect['followerId'] = $followerId;


Method: listMailMessagesAssociatedWithAnOrganization

Lists mail messages associated with an organization.

function listMailMessagesAssociatedWithAnOrganization($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 69;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Method: updateMergeTwoOrganizations

Merges an organization with another organization. For more information on how to merge two organizations, see this tutorial.

function updateMergeTwoOrganizations($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$mergeWithId = 69;
$collect['mergeWithId'] = $mergeWithId;


Method: listPermittedUsers

List users permitted to access an organization

function listPermittedUsers($id)


Example Usage

$id = 69;


Method: listPersonsOfAnOrganization

Lists persons associated with an organization.

function listPersonsOfAnOrganization($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 69;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: PermissionSetsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the PermissionSetsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$permissionSets = $client->getPermissionSets();

Method: getAllPermissionSets

Get all Permission Sets

function getAllPermissionSets()

Example Usage

$result = $permissionSets->getAllPermissionSets();


Method: getOnePermissionSet

Get one Permission Set

function getOnePermissionSet($id)


Example Usage

$id = 69;

$result = $permissionSets->getOnePermissionSet($id);


Method: listPermissionSetAssignments

The list of assignments for a Permission Set

function listPermissionSetAssignments($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 69;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$result = $permissionSets->listPermissionSetAssignments($collect);


Back to List of Controllers

Class: PersonFieldsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the PersonFieldsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$personFields = $client->getPersonFields();

Method: deleteMultiplePersonFieldsInBulk

Marks multiple fields as deleted.

function deleteMultiplePersonFieldsInBulk($ids)


Example Usage

$ids = 'ids';


Method: getAllPersonFields

Returns data about all person fields

function getAllPersonFields()

Example Usage


Method: addANewPersonField

Adds a new person field. For more information on adding a new custom field, see this tutorial.

function addANewPersonField($body = null)


Example Usage

$body = array('key' => 'value');


Method: deleteAPersonField

Marks a field as deleted. For more information on how to delete a custom field, see this tutorial.

function deleteAPersonField($id)


Example Usage

$id = 69;


Method: getOnePersonField

Returns data about a specific person field.

function getOnePersonField($id)


Example Usage

$id = 69;


Method: updateAPersonField

Updates a person field. See an example of updating custom fields’ values in this tutorial.

function updateAPersonField($options)


Example Usage

$id = 69;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$options = 'options';
$collect['options'] = $options;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: PersonsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the PersonsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$persons = $client->getPersons();

Method: deleteMultiplePersonsInBulk

Marks multiple persons as deleted.

function deleteMultiplePersonsInBulk($ids = null)


Example Usage

$ids = 'ids';


Method: getAllPersons

Returns all persons

function getAllPersons($options)


Example Usage

$userId = 233;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$filterId = 233;
$collect['filterId'] = $filterId;

$firstChar = 'first_char';
$collect['firstChar'] = $firstChar;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 233;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$sort = 'sort';
$collect['sort'] = $sort;


Method: searchPersons

Searches all Persons by name, email, phone, notes and/or custom fields. This endpoint is a wrapper of /v1/itemSearch with a narrower OAuth scope. Found Persons can be filtered by Organization ID.

function searchPersons($options)


Example Usage

$term = 'term';
$collect['term'] = $term;

$results = $persons->searchPersons($collect);

Method: addAPerson

Adds a new person. Note that you can supply additional custom fields along with the request that are not described here. These custom fields are different for each Pipedrive account and can be recognized by long hashes as keys. To determine which custom fields exists, fetch the personFields and look for 'key' values.

function addAPerson($body = null)


Example Usage

$body = array('key' => 'value');


Method: deleteAPerson

Marks a person as deleted.

function deleteAPerson($id)


Example Usage

$id = 233;


Method: getDetailsOfAPerson

Returns details of a person. Note that this also returns some additional fields which are not present when asking for all persons. Also note that custom fields appear as long hashes in the resulting data. These hashes can be mapped against the 'key' value of personFields.

function getDetailsOfAPerson($id)


Example Usage

$id = 233;


Method: updateAPerson

Updates the properties of a person. Note that you can supply additional custom fields along with the request that are not described here. These custom fields are different for each Pipedrive account and can be recognized by long hashes as keys. To determine which custom fields exists, fetch the personFields and look for 'key' values. For more information on how to update a person, see this tutorial.

function updateAPerson($options)


Example Usage

$id = 233;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$ownerId = 233;
$collect['ownerId'] = $ownerId;

$orgId = 233;
$collect['orgId'] = $orgId;

$email = array('email');
$collect['email'] = $email;

$phone = array('phone');
$collect['phone'] = $phone;

$visibleTo = int::ENUM_1;
$collect['visibleTo'] = $visibleTo;


Method: listActivitiesAssociatedWithAPerson

Lists activities associated with a person.

function listActivitiesAssociatedWithAPerson($options)


Example Usage

$id = 233;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 233;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$done = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['done'] = $done;

$exclude = 'exclude';
$collect['exclude'] = $exclude;


Method: listDealsAssociatedWithAPerson

Lists deals associated with a person.

function listDealsAssociatedWithAPerson($options)


Example Usage

$id = 233;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 233;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$status = string::ALL_NOT_DELETED;
$collect['status'] = $status;

$sort = 'sort';
$collect['sort'] = $sort;


Method: listFilesAttachedToAPerson

Lists files associated with a person.

function listFilesAttachedToAPerson($options)


Example Usage

$id = 233;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 233;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$includeDeletedFiles = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['includeDeletedFiles'] = $includeDeletedFiles;

$sort = 'sort';
$collect['sort'] = $sort;


Method: listUpdatesAboutAPerson

Lists updates about a person.

function listUpdatesAboutAPerson($options)


Example Usage

$id = 233;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 233;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Method: listFollowersOfAPerson

Lists the followers of a person.

function listFollowersOfAPerson($id)


Example Usage

$id = 233;


Method: addAFollowerToAPerson

Adds a follower to a person.

function addAFollowerToAPerson($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$userId = 19;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;


Method: deletesAFollowerFromAPerson

Delete a follower from a person

function deletesAFollowerFromAPerson($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$followerId = 19;
$collect['followerId'] = $followerId;


Method: listMailMessagesAssociatedWithAPerson

Lists mail messages associated with a person.

function listMailMessagesAssociatedWithAPerson($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 19;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Method: updateMergeTwoPersons

Merges a person with another person. For more information on how to merge two persons, see this tutorial.

function updateMergeTwoPersons($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$mergeWithId = 19;
$collect['mergeWithId'] = $mergeWithId;


Method: listPermittedUsers

List users permitted to access a person

function listPermittedUsers($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;


Method: deletePersonPicture

Delete person picture

function deletePersonPicture($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;


Method: addPersonPicture

Add a picture to a person. If a picture is already set, the old picture will be replaced. Added image (or the cropping parameters supplied with the request) should have an equal width and height and should be at least 128 pixels. GIF, JPG and PNG are accepted. All added images will be resized to 128 and 512 pixel wide squares.

function addPersonPicture($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$file = "PathToFile";
$collect['file'] = $file;

$cropX = 19;
$collect['cropX'] = $cropX;

$cropY = 19;
$collect['cropY'] = $cropY;

$cropWidth = 19;
$collect['cropWidth'] = $cropWidth;

$cropHeight = 19;
$collect['cropHeight'] = $cropHeight;


Method: listProductsAssociatedWithAPerson

Lists products associated with a person.

function listProductsAssociatedWithAPerson($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 19;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: PipelinesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the PipelinesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$pipelines = $client->getPipelines();

Method: getAllPipelines

Returns data about all pipelines

function getAllPipelines()

Example Usage


Method: addANewPipeline

Adds a new pipeline

function addANewPipeline($options)


Example Usage

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$dealProbability = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['dealProbability'] = $dealProbability;

$orderNr = 19;
$collect['orderNr'] = $orderNr;

$active = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['active'] = $active;


Method: deleteAPipeline

Marks a pipeline as deleted.

function deleteAPipeline($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;


Method: getOnePipeline

Returns data about a specific pipeline. Also returns the summary of the deals in this pipeline across its stages.

function getOnePipeline($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$totalsConvertCurrency = 'totals_convert_currency';
$collect['totalsConvertCurrency'] = $totalsConvertCurrency;


Method: updateEditAPipeline

Updates pipeline properties

function updateEditAPipeline($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$dealProbability = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['dealProbability'] = $dealProbability;

$orderNr = 19;
$collect['orderNr'] = $orderNr;

$active = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['active'] = $active;


Method: getDealsConversionRatesInPipeline

Returns all stage-to-stage conversion and pipeline-to-close rates for given time period.

function getDealsConversionRatesInPipeline($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$startDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['startDate'] = $startDate;

$endDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['endDate'] = $endDate;

$userId = 19;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;


Method: getDealsInAPipeline

Lists deals in a specific pipeline across all its stages

function getDealsInAPipeline($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$filterId = 19;
$collect['filterId'] = $filterId;

$userId = 19;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$everyone = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['everyone'] = $everyone;

$stageId = 19;
$collect['stageId'] = $stageId;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 19;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$getSummary = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['getSummary'] = $getSummary;

$totalsConvertCurrency = 'totals_convert_currency';
$collect['totalsConvertCurrency'] = $totalsConvertCurrency;


Method: getDealsMovementsInPipeline

Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period.

function getDealsMovementsInPipeline($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$startDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['startDate'] = $startDate;

$endDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$collect['endDate'] = $endDate;

$userId = 19;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: ProductFieldsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ProductFieldsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$productFields = $client->getProductFields();

Method: deleteMultipleProductFieldsInBulk

Marks multiple fields as deleted.

function deleteMultipleProductFieldsInBulk($ids)


Example Usage

$ids = 'ids';

$result = $productFields->deleteMultipleProductFieldsInBulk($ids);

Method: getAllProductFields

Returns data about all product fields

function getAllProductFields()

Example Usage

$result = $productFields->getAllProductFields();

Method: addANewProductField

Adds a new product field. For more information on adding a new custom field, see this tutorial.

function addANewProductField($body = null)


Example Usage

$body = array('key' => 'value');

$result = $productFields->addANewProductField($body);

Method: deleteAProductField

Marks a field as deleted. For more information on how to delete a custom field, see this tutorial.

function deleteAProductField($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;

$result = $productFields->deleteAProductField($id);


Method: getOneProductField

Returns data about a specific product field.

function getOneProductField($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;

$result = $productFields->getOneProductField($id);


Method: updateAProductField

Updates a product field. See an example of updating custom fields’ values in this tutorial.

function updateAProductField($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$options = 'options';
$collect['options'] = $options;

$result = $productFields->updateAProductField($collect);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: ProductsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ProductsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$products = $client->getProducts();

Method: getAllProducts

Returns data about all products.

function getAllProducts($options)


Example Usage

$userId = 19;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$filterId = 19;
$collect['filterId'] = $filterId;

$firstChar = 'first_char';
$collect['firstChar'] = $firstChar;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 19;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$result = $products->getAllProducts($collect);

Method: searchProducts

Searches all Products by name, code and/or custom fields. This endpoint is a wrapper of /v1/itemSearch with a narrower OAuth scope.

function searchProducts($options)


Example Usage

$term = 'term';
$collect['term'] = $term;

$results = $products->searchProducts($collect);

Method: addAProduct

Adds a new product to the products inventory. For more information on how to add a product, see this tutorial. Note that you can supply additional custom fields along with the request that are not described here. These custom fields are different for each Pipedrive account and can be recognized by long hashes as keys. To determine which custom fields exists, fetch the productFields and look for 'key' values.

function addAProduct($body = null)


Example Usage

$body = array('key' => 'value');


Method: deleteAProduct

Marks a product as deleted.

function deleteAProduct($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;


Method: getOneProduct

Returns data about a specific product.

function getOneProduct($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;


Method: updateAProduct

Updates product data. Note that you can supply additional custom fields along with the request that are not described here. These custom fields are different for each Pipedrive account and can be recognized by long hashes as keys. To determine which custom fields exists, fetch the productFields and look for 'key' values.

function updateAProduct($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$code = 'code';
$collect['code'] = $code;

$unit = 'unit';
$collect['unit'] = $unit;

$tax = 19.9144447454784;
$collect['tax'] = $tax;

$activeFlag = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['activeFlag'] = $activeFlag;

$visibleTo = int::ENUM_1;
$collect['visibleTo'] = $visibleTo;

$ownerId = 19;
$collect['ownerId'] = $ownerId;

$prices = 'prices';
$collect['prices'] = $prices;

$result = $products->updateAProduct($collect);

Method: getDealsWhereAProductIsAttachedTo

Returns data about deals that have a product attached to.

function getDealsWhereAProductIsAttachedTo($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 19;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$status = string::ALL_NOT_DELETED;
$collect['status'] = $status;

$result = $products->getDealsWhereAProductIsAttachedTo($collect);

Method: listFilesAttachedToAProduct

Lists files associated with a product.

function listFilesAttachedToAProduct($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 19;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$includeDeletedFiles = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['includeDeletedFiles'] = $includeDeletedFiles;

$sort = 'sort';
$collect['sort'] = $sort;


Method: listFollowersOfAProduct

Lists the followers of a Product

function listFollowersOfAProduct($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;

$result = $products->listFollowersOfAProduct($id);

Method: addAFollowerToAProduct

Adds a follower to a product.

function addAFollowerToAProduct($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$userId = 19;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$result = $products->addAFollowerToAProduct($collect);

Method: deleteAFollowerFromAProduct

Deletes a follower from a product.

function deleteAFollowerFromAProduct($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$followerId = 19;
$collect['followerId'] = $followerId;

$result = $products->deleteAFollowerFromAProduct($collect);

Method: listPermittedUsers

Lists users permitted to access a product.

function listPermittedUsers($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;

$result = $products->listPermittedUsers($id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: RecentsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the RecentsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$recents = $client->getRecents();

Method: getRecents

Returns data about all recent changes occured after given timestamp.

function getRecents($options)


Example Usage

$sinceTimestamp = 'since_timestamp';
$collect['sinceTimestamp'] = $sinceTimestamp;

$items = string::ACTIVITY;
$collect['items'] = $items;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 19;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: RolesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the RolesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$roles = $client->getRoles();

Method: getAllRoles

Get all roles

function getAllRoles($options)


Example Usage

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 19;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$result = $roles->getAllRoles($collect);

Method: addARole

Add a role

function addARole($body = null)


Example Usage

$body = array('key' => 'value');

$result = $roles->addARole($body);

Method: deleteARole

Delete a role

function deleteARole($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;

$result = $roles->deleteARole($id);

Method: getOneRole

Get one role

function getOneRole($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;

$result = $roles->getOneRole($id);

Method: updateRoleDetails

Update role details

function updateRoleDetails($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$parentRoleId = 19;
$collect['parentRoleId'] = $parentRoleId;

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$result = $roles->updateRoleDetails($collect);

Method: deleteARoleAssignment

Delete assignment from a role

function deleteARoleAssignment($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$userId = 19;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$result = $roles->deleteARoleAssignment($collect);

Method: listRoleAssignments

List assignments for a role

function listRoleAssignments($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 19;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$result = $roles->listRoleAssignments($collect);

Method: addRoleAssignment

Add assignment for a role

function addRoleAssignment($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$userId = 19;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$result = $roles->addRoleAssignment($collect);

Method: listRoleSubRoles

List role sub-roles

function listRoleSubRoles($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 19;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;

$result = $roles->listRoleSubRoles($collect);

Method: listRoleSettings

List role settings

function listRoleSettings($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;

$result = $roles->listRoleSettings($id);

Method: addOrUpdateRoleSetting

Add or update role setting

function addOrUpdateRoleSetting($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$settingKey = string::DEAL_DEFAULT_VISIBILITY;
$collect['settingKey'] = $settingKey;

$value = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['value'] = $value;

$result = $roles->addOrUpdateRoleSetting($collect);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: StagesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the StagesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$stages = $client->getStages();

Method: deleteMultipleStagesInBulk

Marks multiple stages as deleted.

function deleteMultipleStagesInBulk($ids)


Example Usage

$ids = 'ids';


Method: getAllStages

Returns data about all stages

function getAllStages($pipelineId = null)


Example Usage

$pipelineId = 19;


Method: addANewStage

Adds a new stage, returns the ID upon success.

function addANewStage($body = null)


Example Usage

$body = array('key' => 'value');


Method: deleteAStage

Marks a stage as deleted.

function deleteAStage($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;


Method: getOneStage

Returns data about a specific stage

function getOneStage($id)


Example Usage

$id = 19;


Method: updateStageDetails

Updates the properties of a stage.

function updateStageDetails($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$body = array('key' => 'value');
$collect['body'] = $body;


Method: getDealsInAStage

Lists deals in a specific stage

function getDealsInAStage($options)


Example Usage

$id = 19;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$filterId = 19;
$collect['filterId'] = $filterId;

$userId = 19;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$everyone = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['everyone'] = $everyone;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 19;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Back to List of Controllers

Class: TeamsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the TeamsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$teams = $client->getTeams();

Method: getAllTeams

Returns data about teams within the company

function getAllTeams($options)


Example Usage

$orderBy = string::ID;
$collect['orderBy'] = $orderBy;

$skipUsers = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['skipUsers'] = $skipUsers;

$result = $teams->getAllTeams($collect);

Method: addANewTeam

Adds a new team to the company and returns the created object

function addANewTeam($options)


Example Usage

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$managerId = 183;
$collect['managerId'] = $managerId;

$description = 'description';
$collect['description'] = $description;

$users = array(183);
$collect['users'] = $users;

$result = $teams->addANewTeam($collect);


Method: getASingleTeam

Returns data about a specific team

function getASingleTeam($options)


Example Usage

$id = 183;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$skipUsers = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['skipUsers'] = $skipUsers;

$result = $teams->getASingleTeam($collect);


Method: updateATeam

Updates an existing team and returns the updated object

function updateATeam($options)


Example Usage

$id = 183;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$body = array('key' => 'value');
$collect['body'] = $body;

$result = $teams->updateATeam($collect);


Method: getAllUsersInATeam

Returns list of all user IDs within a team

function getAllUsersInATeam($id)


Example Usage

$id = 183;

$result = $teams->getAllUsersInATeam($id);


Method: addUsersToATeam

Adds users to an existing team

function addUsersToATeam($options)


Example Usage

$id = 183;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$users = array(183);
$collect['users'] = $users;

$result = $teams->addUsersToATeam($collect);


Method: deleteUsersFromATeam

Deletes users from an existing team

function deleteUsersFromATeam($options)


Example Usage

$id = 183;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$users = array(183);
$collect['users'] = $users;

$result = $teams->deleteUsersFromATeam($collect);


Method: getAllTeamsOfAUser

Returns data about all teams which have specified user as a member

function getAllTeamsOfAUser($options)


Example Usage

$id = 183;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$orderBy = string::ID;
$collect['orderBy'] = $orderBy;

$skipUsers = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['skipUsers'] = $skipUsers;

$result = $teams->getAllTeamsOfAUser($collect);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: UserConnectionsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the UserConnectionsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$userConnections = $client->getUserConnections();

Method: getAllUserConnections

Returns data about all connections for authorized user.

function getAllUserConnections()

Example Usage

$result = $userConnections->getAllUserConnections();


Back to List of Controllers

Class: UserSettingsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the UserSettingsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$userSettings = $client->getUserSettings();

Method: listSettingsOfAuthorizedUser

Lists settings of authorized user.

function listSettingsOfAuthorizedUser()

Example Usage


Back to List of Controllers

Class: UsersController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the UsersController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$users = $client->getUsers();

Method: getAllUsers

Returns data about all users within the company

function getAllUsers()

Example Usage

$result = $users->getAllUsers();

Method: addANewUser

Adds a new user to the company, returns the ID upon success.

function addANewUser($options)


Example Usage

$name = 'name';
$collect['name'] = $name;

$email = 'email';
$collect['email'] = $email;

$activeFlag = true;
$collect['activeFlag'] = $activeFlag;

$result = $users->addANewUser($collect);


Method: findUsersByName

Finds users by their name.

function findUsersByName($options)


Example Usage

$term = 'term';
$collect['term'] = $term;

$searchByEmail = int::ENUM_0;
$collect['searchByEmail'] = $searchByEmail;

$result = $users->findUsersByName($collect);

Method: getCurrentUserData

Returns data about an authorized user within the company with bound company data: company ID, company name, and domain. Note that the 'locale' property means 'Date and number format' in the Pipedrive settings, not the chosen language.

function getCurrentUserData()

Example Usage

$result = $users->getCurrentUserData();


Method: getOneUser

Returns data about a specific user within the company

function getOneUser($id)


Example Usage

$id = 183;

$result = $users->getOneUser($id);


Method: updateUserDetails

Updates the properties of a user. Currently, only active_flag can be updated.

function updateUserDetails($options)


Example Usage

$id = 183;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$activeFlag = true;
$collect['activeFlag'] = $activeFlag;

$result = $users->updateUserDetails($collect);


Method: listBlacklistedEmailAddressesOfAUser

Lists blacklisted email addresses of a specific user. Blacklisted emails are such that will not get synced in to Pipedrive when using the built-in Mailbox.

function listBlacklistedEmailAddressesOfAUser($id)


Example Usage

$id = 183;


Method: addBlacklistedEmailAddressForAUser

Add blacklisted email address for a specific user.

function addBlacklistedEmailAddressForAUser($options)


Example Usage

$id = 183;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$address = 'address';
$collect['address'] = $address;


Method: listFollowersOfAUser

Lists followers of a specific user.

function listFollowersOfAUser($id)


Example Usage

$id = 183;

$result = $users->listFollowersOfAUser($id);


Method: listUserPermissions

List aggregated permissions over all assigned permission sets for a user

function listUserPermissions($id)


Example Usage

$id = 183;


Method: deleteARoleAssignment

Delete a role assignment for a user

function deleteARoleAssignment($options)


Example Usage

$id = 183;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$roleId = 183;
$collect['roleId'] = $roleId;


Method: listRoleAssignments

List role assignments for a user

function listRoleAssignments($options)


Example Usage

$id = 183;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$start = 0;
$collect['start'] = $start;

$limit = 183;
$collect['limit'] = $limit;


Method: addRoleAssignment

Add role assignment for a user

function addRoleAssignment($options)


Example Usage

$id = 183;
$collect['id'] = $id;

$roleId = 183;
$collect['roleId'] = $roleId;


Method: listUserRoleSettings

List settings of user's assigned role

function listUserRoleSettings($id)


Example Usage

$id = 183;


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Class: WebhooksController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the WebhooksController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$webhooks = $client->getWebhooks();

Method: getAllWebhooks

Returns data about all webhooks of a company.

function getAllWebhooks()

Example Usage

$result = $webhooks->getAllWebhooks();


Method: createANewWebhook

Creates a new webhook and returns its details. Note that specifying an event which triggers the webhook combines 2 parameters - 'event_action' and 'event_object'. E.g., use '*.*' for getting notifications about all events, '' for any newly added deals, 'deleted.persons' for any deleted persons, etc. See for more details.

function createANewWebhook($options)


Example Usage

$subscriptionUrl = 'subscription_url';
$collect['subscriptionUrl'] = $subscriptionUrl;

$eventAction = string::ENUM_0;
$collect['eventAction'] = $eventAction;

$eventObject = string::ENUM_0;
$collect['eventObject'] = $eventObject;

$userId = 183;
$collect['userId'] = $userId;

$httpAuthUser = 'http_auth_user';
$collect['httpAuthUser'] = $httpAuthUser;

$httpAuthPassword = 'http_auth_password';
$collect['httpAuthPassword'] = $httpAuthPassword;

$result = $webhooks->createANewWebhook($collect);


Method: deleteExistingWebhook

Deletes the specified webhook.

function deleteExistingWebhook($id)


Example Usage

$id = 183;

$result = $webhooks->deleteExistingWebhook($id);


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