
The Payum Cybersource Flexible Token payment module

1.0.0 2024-01-10 05:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 07:39:00 UTC


The Payum extension to purchase through Cybersource using Flexible Token. Uses the Flex Microform for lower level PCI compliance requirements.

Install and Use

To install, it's easiest to use composer:

composer require cognito/payum_cybersource

Build the config


use Payum\Core\PayumBuilder;
use Payum\Core\GatewayFactoryInterface;

$defaultConfig = [];

$payum = (new PayumBuilder)
    ->addGatewayFactory('cybersource', function(array $config, GatewayFactoryInterface $coreGatewayFactory) {
        return new \Cognito\PayumCybersource\CybersourceGatewayFactory($config, $coreGatewayFactory);

    ->addGateway('cybersource', [
        'factory' => 'cybersource',
        'merchant_id' => 'Merchant Id',
        'access_key' => 'Merchant API Key',
        'secret_key' => 'Merchant Secret Key',
        'img_url' => 'https://path/to/logo/image.jpg',


Request card payment


use Payum\Core\Request\Capture;

$storage = $payum->getStorage(\Payum\Core\Model\Payment::class);
$request = [
    'invoice_id' => 100,

$payment = $storage->create();
$payment->setTotalAmount(100); // Total cents
$payment->setDescription(substr($description, 0, 45));
    'local' => [
        'email' => $email, // Used for the customer to be able to save payment details
    'payment_reference' => 'INV-0001',
    'billing' => [
        'first_name' => $shopper['first_name'],
        'last_name' => $shopper['last_name'],
        'email' => $shopper['email'],
        'address' => [
            'line1' => $shopper['billing_address']['line1'],
            'line2' => $shopper['billing_address']['line2'],
            'city' => $shopper['billing_address']['city'],
            'state' => $shopper['billing_address']['state'],
            'country' => $shopper['billing_address']['country'],
            'postal_code' => $shopper['billing_address']['postal_code'],
    'payment_method_options' => [
        'defaultValues' => [
        ], // Optionally prefill some fields for some payment types
$storage->setInternalDetails($payment, $request);

$captureToken = $payum->getTokenFactory()->createCaptureToken('cybersource', $payment, 'done.php');
$url = $captureToken->getTargetUrl();
header("Location: " . $url);

Check it worked

/** @var \Payum\Core\Model\Token $token */
$token = $payum->getHttpRequestVerifier()->verify($request);
$gateway = $payum->getGateway($token->getGatewayName());

/** @var \Payum\Core\Storage\IdentityInterface $identity **/
$identity = $token->getDetails();
$model = $payum->getStorage($identity->getClass())->find($identity);
$gateway->execute($status = new GetHumanStatus($model));

/** @var \Payum\Core\Request\GetHumanStatus $status */

// using shortcut
if ($status->isNew() || $status->isCaptured() || $status->isAuthorized()) {
    // success
} elseif ($status->isPending()) {
    // most likely success, but you have to wait for a push notification.
} elseif ($status->isFailed() || $status->isCanceled()) {
    // the payment has failed or user canceled it.


Payum Cybersource is released under the MIT License.