
Elastic Search client for Yii

1.0.4 2016-07-06 07:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-24 04:34:12 UTC


Elastic Search client for Yii.


Install via composer, requires php >= 5.3


Add the following to your application config:

'components' => array(
    'elasticSearch' => array(
        'class' => 'YiiElasticSearch\Connection',
        'baseUrl' => 'http://localhost:9200/',

Also make sure, that you include the autoloader of composer. We recommend to add this line to your index.php and maybe also your yiic.php:

// Include composer autoloader

Make sure to modify the path so that it matches the location of your vendor/ directory.


Index your ActiveRecords

Attach the YiiElasticSearch\SearchableBehavior to any of your ActiveRecords to make it easy to index and search your normal models with elasticsearch.

class MyModel extends CActiveRecord
    public function behaviors()
        return array(
            'searchable' => array(
                'class' => 'YiiElasticSearch\SearchableBehavior',

Now when MyModel instances are saved or deleted they will be automatically indexed or deleted in elasticsearch as appropriate.

Define an index for a record

By default your records will be stored in an index that uses your sanitized application name (Yii::app()->name). To change it you can define

class MyModel extends CActiveRecord
    public $elasticIndex = 'myindex';

or, if you need more control, create a method

class MyModel extends CActiveRecord
    public function getElasticIndex()
        return 'myindex';

Define a type for a record

By default the lower case class name will be used as type name in elasticsearch. If you want to change that you can define

class MyModel extends CActiveRecord
    public $elasticType = 'mymodel';

or, again, if you need more control, create a method

class MyModel extends CActiveRecord
    public function getElasticType()
        return 'mymodel';

Customize indexed data

By default all attributes are stored in the index. If you need to customize the data that should be indexed in elasticsearch, you can override these two methods.

class MyModel extends CActiveRecord
     * @param DocumentInterface $document the document where the indexable data must be applied to.
    public function populateElasticDocument(DocumentInterface $document)
        $document->name     = $this->name;
        $document->street   = $this->street;

     * @param DocumentInterface $document the document that is providing the data for this record.
    public function parseElasticDocument(DocumentInterface $document)
        // You should always set the match score from the result document
        if ($document instanceof SearchResult)

        $this->id       = $document->getId();
        $this->name     = $document->name;
        $this->street   = $document->stree;

Query records

You can specify queries using the YiiElasticSearch\Search object. This object provides a simple OO wrapper for the vanilla elasticsearch search API.

For example:

$search = new \YiiElasticSearch\Search("myindex", "mymodel");
$search->query = array(
    "match_all" => array()

// start returning results from the 20th onwards
$search->offset = 20;

With a search you can either perform a 'raw' query, e.g.

$resultSet = Yii::app()->elasticSearch->search($search);

This will return a result set that is a very simple wrapper around the raw elastic search response.

Alternatively, when combined with a SearchableBehavior you can use data providers, e.g.

$dataProvider = new \YiiElasticSearch\DataProvider(MyModel::model(), array(
        'search' => $search

The data from $dataProvider->data is a list of ActiveRecords, just like from an ordinary CActiveDataProvider. So you can use it in any list or grid view.

Raw requests

You can also use the connection component to send raw requests to elasticsearch.

// Will be an instance of a Guzzle\Http\Client
$client = Yii::app()->elasticSearch->client;

$mapping = array(
   'country' => array(
        'properties' => array(
            'name' => array(
                'type' => 'string',

// Create a mapping
$request = $client->put('myindex', array("Content-type" => "application/json"));
$request->setBody(array('mapping' => $mapping));

$response = $request->send();

$result = $response->getBody();

Console Maintenance

The extension comes with two simple maintenance commands that can be helpful to find out what's going on in your index. To configure them, add this to your console.php configuration:

'commandMap' => array(
    'elastic' => array(
        'class' => 'YiiElasticSearch\ConsoleCommand',
    'zerodowntimeelastic' => array(
        'class' => 'YiiElasticSearch\ZeroDowntimeConsoleCommand',

This will allow you to use yiic elastic and yiic zerodowntimeelastic on the console. Here are the commands help:

Console Command

This is the maintenance command for the elasticSearch component.


  index --model=<model> [--skipExisting]

    Add all models <model> to the index. This will replace any previous
    entries for this model in the index. Index and type will be auto-detected
    from the model class unless --index or --type is set explicitely.
    If --skipExisting is used, no action is performed if there are already
    documents indexed under this type.

  map --model=<model> --map=<filename> [--skipExisting]
  map --index=<index> --map=<filename> [--skipExisting]

    Create a mapping in the index specified with the <index> or implicitly
    through the <model> parameter. The mapping must be available from a JSON
    file in <filename> where the JSON must have this form:

            "tweet" : {
                "properties": {
                    "name" : {"type" : "string"},

    If --skipExisting is used, no action is performed if there's are already
    a mapping for this index.

  list [--limit=10] [--offset=0]
  list [--model=<name>] [--limit=10] [--offset=0]
  list [--index=<name>] [--type=<type>] [--limit=10] [--offset=0]

    List all entries in elasticsearch. If a model or an index (optionally with
    a type) is specified only entries matching index and type of the model will be listed.

  delete --model=<name> [--id=<id>]

    Delete a document from an index. If no <id> is specified the whole
    index will be deleted.


    Show this help

ZeroDowntime Command

This is a zero downtime maintenance command for the elasticSearch component. More details:


  * index --models=<model1>,...
    Add all models to the index.

  * status --models=<model1>,...
    Displays actual indexes and aliases

  * schema --models=<model1>,...
        [--version=201512121212] [--forceMigrate=false] [--bulkCopy=true] [--updateAlias=true] [--deleteIndexes=true]

    Creates schema for the given models. Steps:
     1, compare mapping
     2, if migration is needed, create the new schema version, always create new if <forceMigrate> is true
     3, bulk copy the previous data if <bulkCopy> is true
     4, update aliases if <updateAlias> is true
     5, delete indexes if <deleteIndexes> is true

  * bulkCopy --from=index/type --to=index2/type [--properties=]
    Bulk copy all data

  * changeAlias --from=value --to=value [--old=]
    Change alias

  * deleteIndex --indexesToDelete=value
    Delete index with all types

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