
Code generation for testing. Because mocks sometimes just don't cut it.

dev-master 2015-03-15 16:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-20 09:29:42 UTC


Code generation for testing. Because mocks sometimes just don't cut it.

Build Status

Developed by Florian Eckerstorfer in Vienna, Europe.


  • Useful if the code under test contains calls to functions like method_exists()
  • Generate classes with methods and properties
  • Generate setters, getters, hassers, issers, and adders based on properties


You can install Ea using Composer:

$ composer require cocur/ea:dev-master


Ea was developed to generate code for testing purposes. For example, if your code under test contains a call to a function like method_exists() typical mocks don't work.

You can generate a class using ClassFactory. The first argument is the class name and the second argument is the namespace (which is optional):

$class = new ClassFactory('Foo', 'Foobar');
echo $class->generate();

will output

namespace Foobar;
class Foo {

You can create properties with PropertyFactory and use the addProperty() method to add them to a class. Properties have a name, a visibility (public, protected or private), can be static and can have a default value.

$property = new PropertyFactory('foo, 'public');
$property->generate(); // "public static $foo = 'bar';"

If you call the setDefault() method a default value will be set, even if you use null or false as argument. The value given to setDefault() will be used as default. If you don't call setDefault() no default value will be set. You can check if a property has a default value using hasDefault() and remove it using removeDefault().

Alternatively the addProperty() method of ClassFactory can create the PropertyFactory object for you, if you call it with a string as first parameter instead of an instance of PropertyFactory. The second argument is the visibility, the third static and the fourth the default value. If you call addProperty() with four arguments a default value will be set, if not no default value will be set.

$class->addProperty('foo', 'protected', false, null);
$class->addProperty('bar', 'public', true);
echo $class->generate();

will result in

// ...
    protected $foo = null;
    public static $bar;
// ...

Methods are created using MethodFactory and added to the class by calling addMethod().

$method = new MethodFactory('foo', 'protected');
$method->addArgument('foo', null, 21);
$method->setBody('return 21+$foo');
$method->generate(); // "protected function foo($foo = 21) { return 21+$foo; }"

The constructor takes the name and the visibility (public, protected, private) as arguments and isStatic() sets whether the method should be static or not. The code passed to setBody() will be returned as-is as body of the method. The addArgument() method takes the name of the argument as first parameter, the type (like array or stdClass; none by default) as second argument and the default value as third argument. If three arguments are provided the default value will always be set; if less arguments are provided no default value will be set.

For some common property access methods, such as setters, getters, hassers, adders and issers, the ClassFactory provides helper methods to quickly create these based on a given PropertyFactory.


The addAdder() method is a little bit different, as it provides more options. The second argument is a bool to indicate whether the value should be added by a key. The third argument is the singular name of the property. Example:

$bars = PropertyFactory('bars');
$class->addAdder($bars, true, 'bar');
$class->generate(); // -> "public function addBar($key, $bar) { $this->bars[$key] = $bar; }"

Instead of generating the code you can also dynamically create the classes using execute() of the Ea. Attention. Internally Ea uses eval() to create the classes.



The MIT license applies to Ea. For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file distributed with this source code.