
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

CnertaMailinBundle is a Symfony2 Bundle who provide an easy way to send email build with Twig template

1.0.1 2015-10-13 07:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-04-17 17:48:36 UTC



CnertaMailinBundle is a Symfony2 Bundle who provide an easy way to send email build with Twig template.

Create your email message with Twig and use the CnertaMailinBundle's service for sending it.

Easy, fast and builded on the shoulders of giants like SwiftMail.

Because quality matters : SensioLabsInsight Build Status



Add to composer json:

    "require": {
        "cnerta/mailing-bundle": "dev-master"


$ composer install cnerta/mailing-bundle

Register the bundle in your AppKernel class.

// app/AppKernel.php

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new Cnerta\MailingBundle\CnertaMailingBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...

Configure the bundle

In config.yml

    default_bundle: "FooBundle" # The name of the bundle where the email template are stored
    active_log: false # Defined if you want to log each sending email
        sender_name: "My name is"

How To Use

Create mail templates

  • Create a Mails folder in your src/AppBundle/Resources
  • Create a BlocksMail.html.twig in this new folder
  • Create a default.html.twig
  • Create a default.txt.twig

The BlocksMail.html.twig must contain all the objects and bodys part of your mail. Exemple :

{% block bar_object %}A mail object{% endblock %}
{% block bar_body %}
A Body with full of pretty things !
{% endblock %}

The default.html.twig is the base template of your mail Exemple :

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <strong>Hello dear user</strong>
            {{ body|raw }} {# This is mandatory, it's the body message of your mail #}

The default.txt.twig is the base template of your mail Exemple :

Hello dear user</strong

{{ body|raw }} {# This is mandatory, it's the body message of your mail in text version (without HTML elements) #}

Send mail !

Service name : cnerta.mailing

In a Controller :

use Cnerta\MailingBundle\Mailing\MailingServiceInterface;
use Cnerta\MailingBundle\Mailing\MailParameters;
use Cnerta\MailingBundle\Mailing\MailParametersInterface;

public function fooAction() {
    $mailParameters = MailParameters();

            ->addBodyParameters("user", "User name");

            array(""), // List of mail address or Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface
            "template_email", // Name of the block define in `BlocksMail.html.twig`

Log all sending email in a specific channel

Because sometime you need to know what thé system send as email, this bundle provide an easy way to log all message.

This bundle use the mailingbundle channel to write log.

So, if you want to log this specific messages in a separate log file, use the config below.

            # log all messages (since debug is the lowest level)
            level:    debug
            type:     stream
            path:     "%kernel.logs_dir%/mailing.log"
            channels: [mailingbundle]