
weblibs-mvc is an simple and lightweight php routing component.

v1.1.2 2018-07-19 09:21 UTC


BuildStatus License


weblibs-mvc is an simple and lightweight php routing component. This component can have a RESTful support simply adding an .htaccess file, see below for more details.


Based on
Based on

Description of the main components


The application class is the main component wich handle and relates components between them.


The Controller is the C in MVC. The base controller is a simple abstract class that defines the structure of all controllers. By including the registry here, the registry is available to all class that extend from the base controller. An index() method has also been included in the base controller which means all controller classes that extend from it must have an index() method themselves.


The registry is an object where site wide variables can be stored without the use of globals. By passing the registry object to the controllers that need them, we avoid pollution of the global namespace and render our variables safe. We need to be able to set registry variables and to get them.


The router class is responsible for loading up the correct controller. It does nothing else. The value of the controller comes from the URL.


The templates themselves are basically HTML files with a little PHP embedded. Do not let the separation Nazi's try to tell you that you need to have full separation of HTML and PHP. Remember, PHP is an embeddable scripting language. This is the sort of task it is designed for and makes an efficient templating language. The template files belong in the views directory.


The recommended way to install weblibs-mvc is through Composer.

composer require clagiordano/weblibs-mvc

Adding RESTful support to destination project

Simply add into yours project root a file named .htaccess
(webserver must be allow override) which contains the following lines:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?rt=$1 [L,QSA]

this simple steps allow your application make RESTful calls like:


 * Composer autoload
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

 * Import required classes
use clagiordano\weblibs\mvc\Application;
use clagiordano\weblibs\mvc\Registry;
use clagiordano\weblibs\mvc\Router;
use clagiordano\weblibs\mvc\Template;

 * Init base application
 * @var Application $application
$application = new Application();

 * Router setup
    new Router($application)

 * set the path to the controllers directory
    __DIR__ . '/controllers'

 * Template setup
    new Template($application)

 * load the controller / run the application


Copyright (C) Claudio Giordano