
SimpleSAMLphp module which provides password based and federated authentication on single page

v2.1.0 2022-12-01 08:57 UTC


maintenance status: end of life

This project has reached end of life, which means no new features will be added. Security patches and important bug fixes ended in May 2024. Check out Apereo CAS and ProxyIdP GUI instead.


Thanks to this module, you can use a saml:SP authentication source together with another authentication source providing basic auth (discovery service and login form are displayed on a single page).

Theme configuration

For proper function, this modules requires the usage of the included theme called campus. Modify config/config.php to include these lines:

'theme.use' => 'campusmultiauth:campus',
'usenewui' => true,

You may also try to use a different Bootstrap 5 based theme, but compatibility is not guaranteed.

Authsources configuration

To achieve this, you need to define and configure an authentication source in your authsources.php file. An example configuration is shown below:

'campus-idp' => [

    'userPassSource' => [
        'name' => 'campus-userpass',
        'AuthnContextClassRef' => []

    'spSource' => [
        'name' => 'default-sp',
        'AuthnContextClassRef' => []

The following configuration options are available:

campusmultiauth:campusidp defines which module and authentication source to use. This is the only mandatory option.

userPassSource is an authentication source to use to authentication with a username and password. For easy integration with any identity provider supporting ECP, see simplesamlphp-module-campususerpass. If the name is not set, campus-userpass is used as a default option.

spSource is an authentication source to use to authentication with an external identity provider. If the name is no set, default-sp is used as a default option.

Of course, both authsources must be defined in authsources.php file. When the configuration is done, the next step is to open saml20-idp-hosted.php file and set your authsource (campus-idp in our example) as an authentication source (auth option).

Login page configuration

The second part of the configuration is setting up the login page itself. To configure the login page, you need to create a new configuration file module_campusmultiauth.php. In this module, there is an example configuration available at config-templates/module_campusmultiauth.php. In configuration file, there are following options available:

css_framework - if set to muni_jvs, the login page displays in MUNI framework. Otherwise, Bootstrap 5 is used.

muni_faculty - relevant only if the css_framework is set to muni_jvs. The value can be set to a concrete faculty which results in the change of framework's main colors. You can find the list of faculties and their colors here.

logo - URL to a main institution logo which is displayed in top of the login page.

name - used as an alternative text for the logo.

languages - map of supported languages. The format is language code by ISO-639-1 as the key and whole language name as the value (e.g. 'en' => 'English'). If not defined, the only supported language is English.

footer - defines a footer of the login page. For further instructions how to configure a footer, see the Footer section below.

components - list of components. This is the main part of the login page. Each component represents an authentication possibility for the user. For further instructions how to configure components, see the Components section below.


Footer defines the bottom of the login page. If it is not set, the footer is empty. To allow you to adapt the footer to your organisation's look, the footer option is designed as a map with the following possible options:

sections - list of sections. Each section represents a column in the footer's grid. It means that, in case of Bootstrap 5, the count of sections must divide 12. If you decide to use MUNI framework, the count of sections must divide 4. Each section then contains string with HTML, Markdown or simple text, based on the format option. If you want to add localization, you can define sections as a map with language codes as keys. Values are then lists of sections with localized texts. In that case, you must define sections for all supported languages.

format - defines the format of sections. You can set it to HTML or markdown. If not set, the sections are printed as a simple text.


The main part of the login page. The components option is designed as a list, where each element represents one component. A component is a map with several possible options. The most important option is name. It defines the component's type. There are three possible values for name: local_login, searchbox and individual_identities.


This component represents a form with username and password. It can be used only once. For the Remember me functionality, see below. In the module configuration, there are following options:

username_label - this is displayed as a label above input for the username. If you want to add localization, you can write the value as a map with language codes as keys and localized strings as values. If current language is not found in keys, the first one is used instead. If not set at all, it displays a default value.

username_placeholder - this is displayed as a placeholder in the input for the username. If you want to add localization, you can write the value as a map with language codes as keys and localized strings as values. If current language is not found in keys, the first one is used instead. If not set at all, it displays a default value.

password_label - this is displayed as a label above input for the password. If you want to add localization, you can write the value as a map with language codes as keys and localized strings as values. If current language is not found in keys, the first one is used instead. If not set at all, it displays a default value.

password_placeholder - this is displayed as a placeholder in the input for the password. If you want to add localization, you can write the value as a map with language codes as keys and localized strings as values. If current language is not found in keys, the first one is used instead. If not set at all, it displays a default value.

entityid - entityid of the identity provider. Needed for idp hinting.

priority - can be set to primary, default value is secondary. It should be primary if you want users to use this component if they are able to.

end_col - on a desktop, components are divided to two columns. If you want this component to be the last one in the first column, set this option to true.


Thanks to the searchbox you can search between all included identity providers. This component may be used multiple times.

title - text displayed above the component. If you want to add localization, you can write the value as a map with language codes as keys and localized strings as values. If current language is not found in keys, the first one is used instead. If not set at all, it displays a default value.

placeholder - text displayed as a placeholder in the searchbox. If you want to add localization, you can write the value as a map with language codes as keys and localized strings as values. If current language is not found in keys, the first one is used instead. If not set at all, it displays a default value.

filter - if you want to display just part of identity providers available in the metadata, you can use this option. If not set, all identity providers from the metadata are included. Otherwise, identity providers to display are chosen based on the aarc_discovery_hint logic. However, there are some differences. The content of this option is already decoded (which means it is in the PHP format, not the JSON). Also, you can use the entityid claim (instead of entity_category / assurance_certification / registration_authority) to include or exclude specific identity providers. You can find a sample use of the entityid claim in module_campusmultiauth.php config template.

priority - can be set to primary, default value is secondary. It should be primary if you want users to use this component if they are able to.

end_col - on a desktop, components are divided to two columns. If you want this component to be the last one in the first column, set this option to true.


Here you can specify some identity providers to display them as a list of buttons. This components may be used multiple times.

title - text displayed above the component. If you want to add localization, you can write the value as a map with language codes as keys and localized strings as values. If current language is not found in keys, the first one is used instead. If not set at all, it displays a default value.

priority - can be set to primary, default value is secondary. It should be primary if you want users to use this component if they are able to.

end_col - on a desktop, components are divided to two columns. If you want this component to be the last one in the first column, set this option to true.

number_shown - how many buttons to show. If the count of specified identity providers is higher than this number, then part of identity providers will be hidden and replaced with button which shows them all on click.

identities - list of identity providers to display as buttons. Each identity provider has some configuration options available. For further information, see the identities section below.

logos - optional map with keys of entity IDs and values of URLs to logos. This option can be used to override logos for some identity providers, which are expected to be used often but do not have a suitable (square) logo in their metadata.


Each identity is a map with the following possible options:

upstream_idp - identity provider's identifier (e.g. entityid)

name - identity provider's name, displayed as a text inside the button. If you want to add localization, you can write the value as a map with language codes as keys and localized strings as values. If current language is not found in keys, the first one is used instead.

logo - identity provider's logo, displayed on a left side of the button as a square.

background_color - background around the logo. Defined as a CSS color value.

Remember me and security images

You can add a remember_me section to your configuration file to add some convenience and anti-phishing features to your local_login component.

Remember me

To enable the remember_me checkbox and optionally set it as checked by default, configure session.rememberme.enable and session.rememberme.checked options in the config.php file. If you want to make session longer if the checkbox is checked, use the ExtendIdPSession auth proc filter. It is highly recommended to also set a session checking function.

You can store info about the user in the cookie, including a counter of user's visits of the login page, which is compared to the value stored in the database. This can help to detect some suspicious behaviour. To enable this feature, you have to enable the remember_me checkbox mentioned above and add the RememberMe auth proc filter. Then set the following options in the remember_me section of the configuration file:

nameAttr - a name of the attribute with the user's name. Has to be present in the $request['attributes'] in the Authproc filter. The default value is displayName.

store - a database configuration, used as an argument for the SimpleSAML\Database::getInstance() method.

tokens_table - a name of the database table where user tokens with counters are stored. The default value is cookie_counter.

signature_key - a key used for signing JWTs.

encryption_key - a key used for encrypting JWTs.

signature_algorithm - a signature algorithm, default HS512.

encryption_algorithm - an encryption algorithm, default A256GCM.

keywrap_algorithm - a keywrap algorithm, default A256GCMKW.

uid_attribute - a user's identifier attribute, default uid.

cipherClass - an implementation of SimpleSAML\Module\campusmultiauth\Security\Cipher, default SimpleSAML\Module\campusmultiauth\Security\JWTCipher.

uidName - value of this option is displayed before the user's uid attribute value, default value is empty string (which will display nothing).

cookieName - a cookie name where the info about user is stored, default campus_userinfo.

dontCookieName - if user decides not to remember login on current device, this decision will also be stored into a cookie. Value of this option is used as the name of this cookie. The default value is campus_dont_remember.

Security images

In addition to the remember me function, you can turn on security images. Image specific to each user will be shown on the login page if set, which proves it is not a phishing site. To configure this feature, you need to add security_images to the remember_me section and set:

showFreshImage - if set to true, the security image is fetched everytime user access the login page. Otherwise, it is stored in the cookie. Default false.

storageClass - an implementation of SimpleSAML\Module\campusmultiauth\Data\Storage, default SimpleSAML\Module\campusmultiauth\Data\DatabaseStorage.

pictureStorage - if some other storage than SimpleSAML\Module\campusmultiauth\Data\DatabaseStorage is used (e.g. SimpleSAML\Module\campusmultiauth\Data\PerunStorage), this is the place for the configuration of the storage.

security.cookie.path - cookie path.

security.cookie.samesite - cookie SameSite.

pictureDir - if set, the security image is stored in this directory instead of the cookie. The cookie than contains only a link to the picture. Also, if this option is enabled, securityImageSalt and pictureBaseURL are mandatory. Default null.

securityImageSalt - a salt which is used in the filename of the picture if the pictureDir is on.

pictureBaseURL - base URL to the pictures if the pictureDir is on.

pictures_table - name of the table with security images, default security_image.

texts_table - default alternative_text. You can also add an alternative text to images. User can specify his/her own text, so this is an additional antiphishing feature. If user does not have the alternative text set, the alt is an empty string. In case he/she does not have the image set, this text will be displayed instead of it.


To help the user choose the right institution to log in, this module supports following standards:

aarc_discovery_hint (aarc_discovery_hint_uri)

A service provider can choose which identity provider(s) should user use. If there is only one option, the user is redirected directly to the identity provider. Otherwise, user chooses from identity providers sent in the aarc_discovery_hint parameter. In addition to this standard, service provider can use the entityid claim (instead of entity_category / assurance_certification / registration_authority) to include or exclude specific identity providers.


A service provider can choose which identity provider should user use, he/she then skips the login page and is redirected to the targeted identity provider.


A service provider can choose which identity provider(s) should user use. If there is only one option, the user is redirected directly to the identity provider. Otherwise, user chooses from identity providers sent in idphint parameter.


The easiest way is to use a docker container, which includes this module together with SimpleSAMLphp and PHP-FPM.

If you want to use non-SAML providers (e.g. OAuth or OIDC), you need to provide a bridge. There are multiple ways possible:

  • deploy a proxy (e.g. SATOSA) which translates other authentication protocols to SAML
  • use SimpleSAMLphp's OIDC module for OIDC (e.g. Google)
  • use authoauth2 module for OAuth (LinkedIn, ORCid, GitHub...)

Content security policy

This module uses no third party CSS, JavaScript or fonts, everything is bundled. The only inline CSS is used when you configure background_color in the individual_identities component.

External frameworks

This module uses some external frameworks / libraries. You can find a complete list of them here: