
Extension for yii, that allows to manage image galleries use imaginary

dev-master 2019-11-12 08:33 UTC


Yii2 port of

(frontend part mostly without changes, but backend was rewritten almost completely)

Gallery manager screenshots (yii 1.x version, new one has bootstrap 3 styles):

GalleryManager images list

Few more screenshots: drag & drop upload, editing image information, upload progress,


  1. AJAX image upload
  2. Optional name and description for each image
  3. Possibility to arrange images in gallery
  4. Ability to generate few versions for each image with different configurations
  5. Drag & Drop


  1. Yii2
  2. Twitter bootstrap assets (version 3)
  3. Imaginary docker image
  4. JQuery UI (included with Yii)


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist bscheshirwork/yii2-gallery-manager-imaginary "*@dev"

or add

"bscheshirwork/yii2-gallery-manager-imaginary": "*@dev"

to the require section of your composer.json file.



    image: h2non/imaginary:latest
    # optionally mount a volume as local image source
      - ./storage/web:/mnt/data
      PORT: 9000
    command: -enable-url-source -mount /mnt/data
      - "9000" #for service php
      - "9000:9000"


Add migration namespace to console config:

return [
    'id' => 'app-console',
    'controllerMap' => [
        'migrate' => [
            'class' => yii\console\controllers\MigrateController::class,
            // Since version 2.0.12 an array can be specified for loading migrations from multiple sources.
            'migrationPath' => [
            'migrationNamespaces' => [

Add configurations for upload and store images

Add GalleryBehavior to your model, and configure it, create folder for uploaded files.

use bscheshirwork\yii2\galleryManager\GalleryBehavior;

class Product extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord 
public function behaviors()
        $model = $this;

        return [
            'galleryBehavior' => [
                'class' => GalleryBehavior::class,
                'type' => 'nestedObject', // @see CrudController::actions()
                'extension' => 'jpg',
                'directory' => Yii::getAlias('@storageWeb') . ($galleryPath = '/images/gallery/product'),
                'url' => Yii::getAlias('@storageUrl') . $galleryPath,
                'imaginaryDirectory' => $galleryPath,
                'versions' => [
                    'small' => function ($originalImagePath, $originalImagePathForImagine) use ($model) {
                        $width = 400;
                        $height = 274;
                        /** @var GalleryBehavior $behavior */
                        $behavior = $model->getBehavior('galleryBehavior');
                        $httpQuery = http_build_query([
                            'file' => $originalImagePathForImagine,
                            'width' => $width,
                            'height' => $height,

                        $url = $behavior->imaginary . '/crop?' . $httpQuery;

                        return file_get_contents($url);

See also documentations of imaginary http API for image transformations.

Add GalleryManagerAction in controller somewhere in your application. Also on this step you can add some security checks for this action.

use bscheshirwork\yii2\galleryManager\GalleryManagerAction;

class ProductController extends Controller
public function actions()
    return [
       'galleryApi' => [
           'class' => GalleryManagerAction::className(),
           // mappings between type names and model classes (should be the same as in behaviour)
           'types' => [
               'product' => Product::className()

Add ImageAttachmentWidget somewhere in you application, for example in editing from.

use bscheshirwork\yii2\galleryManager\GalleryManager;

/* @var $this yii\web\View */
/* @var $model Product */
if ($model->isNewRecord) {
    echo 'Can not upload images for new record';
} else {
    echo GalleryManager::widget(
            'model' => $model,
            'behaviorName' => 'galleryBehavior',
            'apiRoute' => 'product/galleryApi'


Get uploaded images

Now, you can use uploaded images from gallery like following:

foreach($model->getBehavior('galleryBehavior')->getImages() as $image) {
    echo Html::img($image->getUrl('medium'));


Using non default table name for gallery images(default is {{%gallery_image}}):

  1. Add migration that will create table you need
  2. Change tableName property in behavior configuration