Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Caching layer for multiple providers.
0 0
Real-time communication functionality for Brickhouse
6 0
Configuration functionality for Brickhouse
Console functionality for Brickhouse
Dependency injection container for Brickhouse
Foundation for all Brickhouse hosting
4 0
Object Relational Mapper (ORM) package for Brickhouse
Package for dispatching and handling events across Brickhouse
Package for interactive with various filesystems.
Brickhouse is an MVC framework for PHP, made with developers in mind.
21 0
Pipeline which utilizes Esbuild to build assets for production.
23 0
HTTP routing and logic for Brickhouse
1 0
Logging functionality for Brickhouse
Reflection package for classes, functions, properties, etc.
Routing mechanism for Brickhouse applications
31 0
Supporting data structures and utilities for Brickhouse
Testing utilities for Brickhouse applications
Frontend functionality for Brickhouse
35 0