
Run only the tests that apply to changed lines.

0.2 2023-09-16 00:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-03 18:54:55 UTC


Run only the tests that cover lines that have been changed.


composer require --dev brianhenryie/php-diff-test


Run: phpunit --filter="$(phpdifftest)" or codecept run suitename "$(phpdifftest)"

How it works

Runs git diff, parses which lines have been changed, parses *.cov codecoverage files to match which tests cover those lines.

The script looks in the current working directory, its tests subfolder, and each of the tests immediate subfolders for *.cov.

It also checks tests for Codeception *.suite.y*ml files, and assumes a file named unit.cov corresponds with unit.suite.yml to determine should the output be formatted for codecept run... syntax rather than PHPUnit --filter="..." syntax.

Obviously, it's assumed you're working inside a Git repo and have previously generated code coverage.


  • I think the diff doesn't track unstaged/uncommitted files which could have code coverage
  • Also run tests changed in the diff / run all tests changed since the code coverage was generated (merge/increment coverage?)
  • Allow specifying a hash to diff with – i.e. make pull requests run faster
  • sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage#571 – code coverage annotations make this tool less thorough
  • Tidy up the code – I'm not sure is the diff report's lines the current lines or the before lines... use both for best effect
  • Tests!