
A skeleton Bookdown project.

1.0.0 2017-05-21 15:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-11 04:54:00 UTC


This forms a skeleton Bookdown production project, with an eye toward publishing via Github Pages.

First, clone the repository you want to work in, called {$REPO}. This may be a user/organization repository ( or a Github project gh-pages branch.

Then use composer to install the Bookdown project as a subdirectory inside {$REPO}. We suggest _bookdown since Github Pages will not publish underscore-prefixed directories.

cd {$REPO}
composer create-project -s dev bookdown/project _bookdown
cd _bookdown

Generate the example project:

./vendor/bin/bookdown book/bookdown.json

This will generate the example HTML files at the root of {$REPO}.

To browse the example HTML, run the built-in PHP server:

php -S localhost:8080 -t {$REPO}

Edit the templates/head.php file to modify the <head> on all generated files.

Edit the book/bookdown.json file to add your own book/ content, including both Markdown and other bookdown.json files.

You may wish to add the following lines to {$REPO}/.gitignore:


Then git add the _bookdown/ directory along with the generated files, and push to publish.