
An application for real console geeks which allows to interact with Google Tasks API directly in your terminal and based on the awesome Symfony Console component

dev-master 2016-08-28 08:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:20:49 UTC


An application for real console geeks which allows to interact with Google Tasks API directly in your terminal and based on the awesome Symfony Console component.

Table of contents


To use this application on your local host machine ensure you correspond to the next requirements:

  • PHP 5.5 or higher
  • Internet connection to get access to the Google API


With Composer

The preferred way to install this app is to use Composer. The next command installs this project globally on your local machine:

$ composer global install bocharsky-bw/console-google-tasks


Composer helps you to easily update it to the latest version:

$ composer global update bocharsky-bw/console-google-tasks

With Git

An alternative way to install this app is to clone it locally first and then manually install dependencies with Composer:

$ git clone
$ cd ./ConsoleGoogleTasks/
$ composer install


You still can manually update it with Git by pulling latest changes from the master branch of source repository:

$ git pull origin master

Also don't forget to update dependencies with Composer by calling the next command in the project folder:

$ composer update


Start using this console application by calling the next command in your terminal:

$ ./bin/console.php # Shows list of available commands

Create a Symlink

For the convenience, you can create console.php symlink to get a quick access to the console application globally in any directory you are at:

$ ln -s /path/to/ConsoleGoogleTasks/bin/console.php /usr/local/bin/todo

Then you can simply get access to the console application globally with:

$ todo # Shows list of available commands

Use whatever alias you want here for the symlink name instead of todo one which uses in example.

Short Command Aliases

Thanks to the Symfony Console, it allows you do not type a full command. Just type a short unique part of a command starts from the beginning. For example, to get list of task lists:

$ todo list:list # Full command name
# Or just use a shortened command alias 
$ todo l:l # This command automatically recognizes by Symfony Console

Command List

List of available commands.

Task List Commands

Command Description
list:create Create task list
list:delete Delete task list
list:list List task lists
list:rename Rename task list
list:show Show task list

Task Commands

Command Description
task:clear Clear tasks
task:complete Complete task
task:create Create task
task:delete Delete task
task:incomplete Incomplete task
task:list List tasks
task:rename Rename task
task:show Show task


Contribution always are welcome! Feel free to submit an Issue or create a Pull Request if you find a bug or just want to propose an improvement.

In order to propose a new feature, the best way is to submit an Issue and discuss it first.

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