
Helpers for handling enums and enum translations in Laravel

v2.1.0 2023-04-29 16:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:31:42 UTC


This package provides a trait with helper methods for enum management and translation in Laravel.

Important: This package has been rebuilt as of v2 to work with native PHP enums instead of class constants. As such, PHP 8.1 is now required. See for more details.



composer require bjerke/laravel-enums


namespace App\Enums;

use Bjerke\Enum\HasTranslations;
use Bjerke\Enum\UsesTranslations;

enum PostStatus: int implements HasTranslations {
    use UsesTranslations;

    case DRAFT = 10;
    case PUBLISHED = 20;
    case ARCHIVED = 30;

Which will then allow you to define the translated versions of these values in Laravel translation file called enums.php:

// ../resources/lang/en/enum.php

use App\Enums\MyEnum;

return [
    'post_status' => [
        PostStatus::DRAFT->value => 'Draft',
        PostStatus::PUBLISHED->value => 'Published'
        PostStatus::ARCHIVED->value => 'Archived'

Which in turn will enable you to fetch the translated values as:

PostStatus::DRAFT->translate(); // return translation for this case
PostStatus::getTranslations(); // return all translations

There's also a helper method for retrieving cases:

PostStatus::getCasesAsArray() - Returns an array of "enum key" => "enum value"