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Plugin to add translations to a Willow site, using the BTS service.

1.1.13 2021-05-03 12:45 UTC


A wordpress / willow plugin for handling automatic translations using the external LanguageWire service.

The plugin uses Polylang to have different versions of the same post / page, and uses a service called Bonnier Translation Service (BTS for short) to mediate between Wordpress and LanguageWire.


This plugin is only used on FordelsZonen to translate the articles.


  • Wordpress 4.9 or higher
  • PHP 7.1 or higher
  • Polylang
  • Amazon AWS package

Installation / Configuration

Install through composer:

composer require benjaminmedia/wp-willow-bts

OR by using the respository: and copying the contents to the wp-content/plugins folder.

Remember to run

composer install

Before activating the plugin in Wordpress plugin manager.

Plugin settings

The settings for the plugin, can be found in the side menu under: Settings -> Bonnier Willow BTS

Site short handle

This is the key part of the BTS setup.

This handle should be unique pr site, so each site can get the translated articles, they have sent to LanguageWire.

AWS settings

These settings are needed to send data to BTS, as we are using the Simple Notification Service (SNS) from Amazon to exchange data between the systems.

All settings are currently being managed by MartinShi.

Language Wire Settings

These are the settings that are needed internally in Language Wire.

All the settings here are managed by Language Wire, and are most likely different pr site.