
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Simple configuration generator for PHP projects

v0.1.0 2014-02-17 14:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-04-30 21:29:22 UTC



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QuickConfigure makes the tedious process of setting configuration options in your builds quick and easy (for you and the people using your code!).


Often frameworks or libraries require you to specify some basic config to get started. This could be setting database details for example, or setting the base URL for an application.

Usually, this involves either modifying a config file that's under version control or manually creating a file (like Laravel's .env files). This is slow and unweildy, and makes automating builds difficult.

QuickConfigure allows you to specify a simple JSON schema from which required config can be generated. No manually creating config files, no dirty work tree, and a simple script that can be incorporated into your build process. Easy!


QuickConfigure is installed via Composer:

    "require": {
        "benconstable/quick-configure": "~0.1"

##Basic usage


QuickConfigure generates config from a quick-configure.json file. This file has the format:

    "field": {
        "description": "This field is important, please set it"

    "other_field": {
        "description": "We need this to be configured, too"

Each listed field will be configured and accessible in your app.

###Generating config

Generating config is done via the configure command. Just run:

$ vendor/bin/quick-configure configure

That's it!

###Using config

QuickConfigure provides a simple API for accessing generated config in your application:


// Load config
$config = new \QuickConfigure\Config();

// And do something with it!
$db = new Database($config->get('username'), $config->get('password'));

##Advanced usage


QuickConfigure allows you easily to configure different environments from the same quick-configure.json file.

By default, config will have no environment (otherwise known as the 'global' environment). To specify an environment, just pass the --env flag to the configure command, like so:

$ vendor/bin/quick-configure configure --env development

Then, you can access the config in your application like:


// Load development config
$config = new \QuickConfigure\Config('development');

// And do something with it!
$db = new Database($config->get('username'), $config->get('password'));

// Then get some config from a different environment
$testKey = $config->setEnv('test')->get('key');

###Checking config

If you want to check the current config, just run:

$ vendor/bin/quick-configure show

and you can of course supply the --env flag to check environment config:

$ vendor/bin/quick-configure show --env development

###Dumping config

If you don't want to use the \QuickConfigure\Config class, you can dump config to a file to use however you'd like in your application.

For example, to generate a Laravel .env file , you can just run:

$ vendor/bin/quick-configure configure --env development
$ vendor/bin/quick-configure dump --env development --format php --name .env.development

This will create a file called .env.development.php in your current directory.

Alternatively, use the --stdout option to dump the config straight to STDOUT.

####Dump formats

The --format option lets you specify the format of the dumped file. Currently, QuickConfigure supports:

  • php: A PHP array (unserialized)
  • json: A JSON object

##Further help

QuickConfigure is built on the excellent Symfony Console Component , so you can make use of the built-in help functionality to get further information about the utility:

# Show full help
$ vendor/bin/quick-configure

# Show help for the `configure` command
$ vendor/bin/quick-configure configure --help

##Developing & Contributing

Please feel free to fork and contribute to this repository, but do please make sure that you:

  • Provide tests (using phpspec and/or Behat)
  • Ensure you don't break the existing tests
  • Comment your code with PHP docblocs, and stick to the coding style. This is PSR-0 and PSR-1 with Laravel's flavour (I prefer the namespace and class declarations)

To execute the tests, run:

$ vendor/bin/behat

I'm currently in the process of finishing off the phpspec tests - they will be done soon.


QuickConfigure is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.