
BackBee tools library for php

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Installs: 15 388

Dependents: 2

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

v2.0.1 2015-11-13 11:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-14 16:16:43 UTC


utils library was extracted from BackBee core project. This contains a lot of useful methods to manipulate files, arrays and strings.

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  1. Collection

PHP is one of the more convenient programming language to work with arrays despite the inconsistency of the API.

We have implemented some methods to ease the conversion of arrays in XML and CSV. We also provide some useful method you can need when you work with associative arrays.


use BackBee\Utils\Collection\Collection;

$users = [0 => ['name' => 'Charles', 'role' => 'lead developper'],
    1 => ['name' => 'Eric', 'role' => 'developper'],

echo Collection::toCsv($users, ';');

 * Will return:
 * Charles;lead developper
 * Eric;developper

$users = ['users' => [
    0 => ['name' => 'Charles', 'role' => 'lead developper'],
    1 => ['name' => 'Eric', 'role' => 'developper'],

echo Collection::toBasicXml($users, ';');

 * <users>
 *     <0>
 *        <name>Eric</name>
 *        <role>developper</role>
 *     </0>
 *     <1>
 *        <name>Charles</name>
 *        <role>lead developper</role>
 *     </1>
 * </users>

 $tree = [
    'root' => [
        'child' => [
            'subchild' => 'value',

Collection::has($tree, 'root:child:subchild'); // return true
Collection::has($tree, 'root::child::subchild', '::'); // return true
Collection::has($tree, 'root:child:foo'); // return false
  1. Strings

We have added to this library some methods to ease encoding operations. We provide also some useful functions to handle with strings which have particular meanings like file size or path, urls.


use BackBee\Utils\String;

 * Some helpers for encoding operations
mb_detect_encoding(String::toASCII('BackBee')); // "ASCII"
mb_detect_encoding(String::toUTF8('w�ird')); // "UTF-8"

 * Some normalizers for filepaths and urls
$options = ['extension' => '.txt', 'spacereplace' => '_'];
String::toPath('test path', $options)); // "test_path.txt"

$options = ['extension' => '.com', 'spacereplace' => '_'];
String::urlize('test`s url', $options); // ""

 * Convenients formatters for file size
String::formatBytes(2000, 3); // "1.953 kb"
String::formatBytes(567000, 5); // "553.71094 kb"
String::formatBytes(567000); // "553.71 kb"
String::formatBytes(5670008902); // "5.28 gb"
  1. Dir & File

We have added to this library some methods to folders manipulation. We provide for now 4 methods: copy(), delete(), getContent() and move().


use BackBee\Utils\File\Dir;

 * /src
 *     foo/
 *        bar.txt
 *        baz.xml

$fooPath = __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'foo';
$fooFooPath = $fooPath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'foo';
$fooBazPath = $fooPath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'baz';
Dir::copy($fooPath, $fooFooPath);

 * /src
 *     foo/
 *         bar.txt
 *         baz.xml
 *         foo/
 *            bar.txt
 *            baz.xml
 *         baz/
 *            bar.txt
 *            baz.xml


 * /src
 *     foo/
 *         bar.txt
 *         baz.xml
 *         baz/
 *            bar.txt
 *            baz.xml


 * ['foo' =>
 *     ['bar.txt', 'bar.xml', 'baz' =>
 *         ['bar.txt', 'bar.xml']
 *     ]
 * ]

$backbeePath =$fooPath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'backbee';

Dir::move($fooBazPath, $backbeePath, 000);
 * /src
 *     foo/
 *         bar.txt
 *         baz.xml
 *         backbee/
 *            bar.txt
 *            baz.xml

 Dir::getContent($backbeePath); // throw Exception()