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Slim PHP Micro-Framework for building a REST API

3.3.0 2019-01-06 14:33 UTC


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This is an app skeleton for the Slim PHP Micro-Framework to get started quickly building a REST API



Create Project
$ composer create-project awurth/slim-rest-base [app-name]
Set File permissions
cd [app-name]
sudo chown -R [your-username]:www-data [app-name]
sudo chmod -R 775 [app-name]/var
Create database
  1. Create a new database.
  2. Rename /env.dist to .env and set the db connection details.
  3. Create Tables
$ php bin/console db
Set URL (dev)

Used for generating links in API routes markdown.

$ sudo nano /config/

Edit line 6 and set the url to your API.

$config['rest']['url'] = 'https://[your-url]';

Console Tools

Create users

$ php bin/console user:create

Use --admin option to set the user as admin

Dump routes

Execute the following command at the project root to print all routes in your terminal

$ php bin/console routes

Use --markdown or -m option to display routes in markdown format

$ php bin/console routes -m >

If you're using Oh My Zsh, you can install the symfony2 plugin, which provides an alias and autocompletion:

# Without Symfony2 plugin
$ php bin/console db

# With Symfony2 plugin
$ sf db


  • PHPUnit