
A small library to convert different bibliography formats into each other

dev-master 2015-12-17 20:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 23:18:08 UTC


Forked from https://github.com/geissler/converter

A small library to convert the input data for different literature standards like BibTeX, CSL etc. into each other. At the moment are supported BibTeX, CSL and RIS.


Via composer

Add to the composer.json the require key and run composer install.

    "require" : {
        "avvertix/converter": "dev-master"


Make sure you are using a PSR-2 compatible autoloader.


To convert form one standard to an other:

    // include the composer autoloader
    require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use Geissler\Converter\Converter;
    use Geissler\Converter\Standard\RIS\RIS;
    use Geissler\Converter\Standard\BibTeX\BibTeX;
    use Geissler\Converter\Standard\CSL\CSL;

    $converter  =   new Converter();

    // your input RIS data
    $data = 'TY  - JOUR
             TI  - Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
             AU  - Einstein, Albert
             PY  - 1916
             SP  - 769
             EP  - 822
             JO  - Annalen der Physik
             VL  - 49
             ER  - ';

    // convert to bibTeX
    $bibTeX =   $converter->convert(new RIS($data), new BibTeX());

     * $bibTeX has know the following value:
     * @article{article,
     *      author = {Einstein, Albert},
     *      year = {1916},
     *      pages = {769-822},
     *      title = {Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie},
     *      volume = {49}
     * }

     // or convert bibTeX to csl
     $csl   =   $converter->convert(new BibTeX($bibTeX), new CSL());

      * $csl has know the following value (a UTF-8 encoded json string):
      * [
      *     {
      *         "type":"article",
      *         "author":[{
      *             "family":"Einstein",
      *             "given":"Albert"
      *         }],
      *         "issued":[{
      *             "year":"1916"
      *         }],
      *         "page":"769-822",
      *         "page-first":"769",
      *         "citation-label":"article",
      *         "title":"Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativit\u00e4tstheorie"
      *     }
      * ]

Adding a standard

To implement a new standard is quite simple:

  1. Create a copy of the folder src/Geissler/Converter/Standard/Template
  2. Change the name to the new standard.
  3. Rename also the Template.php file to the name of the standard
  4. Replace every occurence of Template in the files Creator.php, Parser.php and Template.php with the name of the new standard.
  5. Implement the methods create and retrieve in Creator.php
  6. Implement the methods parse and retrieve in Parser.php
  7. Don't forget to write your PHPUnit tests and follow the PSR-2 coding standard