
Client library for Automattic's Domain Services API.



Client code for Automattic's Domain Services.


This library is used to connect a php client to Automattic's domain management service. It is currently only intended for use by applications hosted by Automattic and will not work for other use cases.

Installation & Usage


Adding the library to your code

As mentioned in the requirements above, the package expects a PSR-18 compatible HTTP client. There is a list of available HTTP clients with that implementation available here. Below are instructions for both Guzzle 6 and Guzzle 7 as an example.

Guzzle 7

  • Guzzle 7 implements both PSR-18 and PSR-17 standards. This makes it ready to work with the client library directly.
  • To require this library and Guzzle 7 (if it's not already), the full command should look something like that:
    composer require automattic/domain-services-client guzzlehttp/guzzle
  • Once this is done, make sure to require the composer autoload file vendor/autoload.php in your code if it's not already.
  • You can see an example of the code here

Guzzle 6

  • Guzzle 6 does not implement PSR-18 ClientInterface, therefore you will need to use an adapter for it. One of the most common adapters for that is php-http/guzzle6-adapter package.
  • Guzzle 6 also does implement PSR-17 HTTP Factories. There are many packages to choose from, but for this example, we will be using http-interop/http-factory-guzzle
  • The full command should look something like that:
    composer require automattic/domain-services-client php-http/guzzle6-adapter http-interop/http-factory-guzzle
  • Once this is done, make sure to require the composer autoload file vendor/autoload.php in your code if it's not already.
  • You can see an example of the code here

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:


// Change the path as necessary
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Automattic\Domain_Services_Client\{Api, Command, Configuration, Entity, Response};

// Set the domain to use
$domain_name = new Entity\Domain_Name( '' );

// Set up a new domain contact
$domain_contacts = new Entity\Domain_Contacts(
	new Entity\Domain_Contact(
		new Entity\Contact_Information(
			'123 Main St',

// Set up the Contacts\Set command
$command = new Command\Domain\Set\Contacts( $domain_name, $domain_contacts );

// Create an optional client transaction ID (useful for finding related log entries)
$client_transaction_id = 'client_tx_id_example';

// Configure API key authorization: apiKey
$config = Configuration::get_default_configuration()
    ->set_api_key( 'X-DSAPI-KEY', 'your-key-here' )
    ->set_api_key( 'X-DSAPI-USER', 'your-user-here' );

// Using Guzzle 7
$http_client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$http_factory = new GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory();

$request_factory = new Request\Factory( $http_factory, $http_factory );
$response_factory = new Response\Factory();

$api = new Api( $config, $request_factory, $response_factory, $http_client );

try {
	// Make the call to the endpoint
	/** @var Response\Domain\Set\Contacts $response */
	$response = $api->post( $command, $client_transaction_id );

	// Extract some data from the resopnse
	echo "Status: " . $response->get_status() . "\n";
	echo "Status description: " . $response->get_status_description() . "\n";
	echo "New contact ID: " . $response->get_contacts()->get_owner()->get_contact_id()->get_provider_contact_id() . "\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
	echo 'Exception when calling Domain_Set_Contacts: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Run the unit tests

Install the dependencies via composer by following the instructions above

$ composer install

Then run the unit tests

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c ./test/phpunit.xml


The Automattic Domain Services Client is licensed under GNU General Public License v2 (or later).