
Database layer library for Atk14 framework

v1.1.6 2023-04-11 13:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:28:25 UTC


Build Status

DbMole provides basic functionality with database (Postgresql, MySQL or Oracle).

Basic usage

At first, define the global function dbmole_connection which returns connection to the database.

Only one Postgresql database is considered in this example.

function dbmole_connection($dbmole){
  return pg_connect("dbname=testing_database host=localhost user=test password=test123");


$dbmole = PgMole::GetInstance();

Selecting rows

$rows = $dbmole->selectRows("SELECT id,title,author FROM books");
foreach($rows as $row){
  echo $row["id"].": ".$row["title"]." (".$row["author"].")<br>";

Selecting single row

$row = $dbmole->selectRow("SELECT id,title,author FROM books WHERE id=123");
var_dump($row); // ["id" => "123", "title" => "Book Title", "author" => "John Doe"]

Selecting single value

$amount_of_books = $dbmole->selectSingleValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books");
// or better
$amount_of_books = $dbmole->selectInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books");

For selecting single values, there are also methods:

  • selectValue()
  • selectInt()
  • selectFloat()
  • selectBool()
  • selectString()

Safe binding of the query variables

$rows = $dbmole->selectRows("SELECT id,title,author FROM books WHERE UPPER(title) LIKE UPPER(:search)",[":search" => "%Goodies%"]);
$row = $dbmole->selectRow("SELECT id,title,author FROM books WHERE id=:id",[":id" => 123]);
$dbmole->doQuery("UPDATE books SET title=:title, author=:author WHERE id=:id",[":id" => 123,":title" => "Good Reading", ":author" => "Samantha Doe"]);

Limiting rows:

$rows = $dbmole->selectRows("SELECT * FROM employees",[],["limit" => "10", "offset" => 0]);
$rows = $dbmole->selectRows("SELECT * FROM employees WHERE created_at>=:date",[":date" => "2020-01-01"],["limit" => "10", "offset" => 0]);

Working in transaction


// do something with $dbmole


Working in transaction, avoiding unnecessary database connections

$dbmole->begin(["execute_after_connecting" => true]);

// do something with $dbmole and sometimes do nothig


Insering new record into a table

  "id" => 123,
  "title" => "Nice Reading",
  "author" => "Brody Doe"


$next_id = $dbmole->selectSequenceNextval("seq_book");
$curr_id = $dbmole->selectSequenceCurrval("seq_book");

Error callback

When an error occurs on SQL level, DbMole call the specified callback.


function dbmole_error_handler($dbmole){
  echo "Dear visitor, unfortunately an error has occurred";


Just use the Composer:

composer require atk14/dbmole


Install required dependencies for development:

composer update --dev

Run tests:

cd test


DbMole is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license