
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.3.3) of this package.

Comments for contents - plugin

Installs: 589

Dependents: 4

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0


1.3.3 2022-05-16 12:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 20:45:32 UTC


Extension for comment a content like news, events, etc...


1 The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require arter/amos-comments

or add this row

"arter/amos-comments": "dev-master"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

2 Add module to your main config in backend:

'modules' => [
    'comments' => [
        'class' => 'arter\amos\comments\AmosComments',
        'modelsEnabled' => [
             * Add here the classnames of the models where you want the comments
             * (i.e. 'arter\amos\events\models\Event')
        // the following are mandatory fields
        'displayNotifyCheckbox' => true, // if the notify checkbox in the accordion must be shown (if hidden, the notify checkbox is selected)
        'accordionOpenedByDefault' => false, // if the accordion must be opened by default

Also, add these lines to your bootstrap:

'bootstrap' => [

3 Add the view component to your main config in common:

'components' => [
    'view' => [
        'class' => 'arter\amos\core\components\AmosView',

4 Apply migrations

php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/arter/amos-comments/src/migrations

or add this row to your migrations config in console:

return [

5 Implement the CommentInterface in your model

use arter\amos\comments\models\CommentInterface;

 * Implement the CommentInterface
class MyClass implements CommentInterface

 * Add the required method that must return boolean
public function isCommentable()
    return true;

6 Add your model to the modulesEnables in the module config in backend/config/main.php

'modules' => [
    'comments' => [
        'class' => 'arter\amos\comments\AmosComments',
        'modelsEnabled' => [

7 disable mail notifications

'modules' => [
    'comments' => [
        'class' => 'arter\amos\comments\AmosComments',
        'enableMailsNotification' => false,
        'modelsEnabled' => [

*htmlMailContent - string/array
change the content of the mail of notification when you insert a comment you can insert an array

  'comments' => [
       'htmlMailContent' => [
            'arter\amos\news\models\News' => '@backend/mail/comment/content_news',
            'arter\amos\discussioni\models\DiscussioniTopic' => '@backend/mail/comment/content_discussioni',
            'arter\amos\documenti\models\Documenti' => '@backend/mail/comment/content_documenti'

or a string if the conente is valid for all contents(news/discussioni/docuemnts/ecc..)

  'comments' => [
    'htmlMailContent' => '@backend/mail/comment/content_news'

enableCommentOnlyWithScope *enableCommentOnlyWithScope - boolean default false
If true it enable the comments olny with the scope (in the community)

  'comments' => [
       'enableCommentOnlyWithScope' => true,