
Symfony bundle to manage your Odoo databases.

Installs: 2 222

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 5

Watchers: 1

Forks: 3

Open Issues: 1


v0.1.3 2021-01-09 14:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 05:40:06 UTC


Build Status Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version Total Downloads

This bundle is a Symfony integration of packages ang3/php-odoo-api-client and ang3/php-odoo-orm.

Main features:

  • Client registry
  • Object relational mapping (ORM)
  • Debugging commands
  • Record validator

Documentation of both packages:

Package Documentation


Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require ang3/odoo-bundle

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Configure your app

Create the file config/packages/ang3_odoo.yaml and paste the configuration below:

# app/config/config.yml or config/packages/ang3_odoo.yaml
  default_connection: default
  default_logger: '<logger_service_name>' # Instance of \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface (optional)
  # If set, the default logger is used if a connection hasn't one
      url: '%env(resolve:ODOO_API_URL)%'
      database: '%env(resolve:ODOO_API_DATABASE)%'
      user: '%env(resolve:ODOO_API_USERNAME)%'
      password: '%env(resolve:ODOO_API_PASSWORD)%'
      logger: '<logger_service_name>' # Instance of \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface (optional)
    enabled: false

Finally, set needed .env vars to your project:


Work with multiple connections (optional)

You can add more connection under section ang3_odoo.connections. Here is an example for another connection:

# app/config/config.yml or config/packages/ang3_odoo.yaml
  # ...
      # ...
      url: '...'
      database: '...'
      user: '...'
      password: '...'
      logger: '<logger_service_name>' # optional

The parameter default_connection is used to define the default connection to use.



If you want to work with all your configured clients, then you may want to get the registry. It stores all configured clients by connection name. You can get it by dependency injection:

use Ang3\Bundle\OdooBundle\ClientRegistry;

class MyService
    private $clientRegistry;

    public function __construct(ClientRegistry $clientRegistry)
        $this->clientRegistry = $clientRegistry;

The registry contains three useful methods:

  • public function set(string $connectionName, Client $client): self Set a client by connection name.
  • public function get(string $connectionName): Client Get the client of a connection. A \LogicException is thrown if the connection was not found.
  • public function has(string $connectionName): bool Check if a connection exists by name.

If you don't use autowiring, you must pass the service as argument of your service:

# app/config/services.yml or config/services.yaml
# ...
        $clientRegistry: '@ang3_odoo.client_registry'


It could be useful to get a client directly without working with the registry.

For example, the get the default client by autowiring, use the argument Ang3\Component\Odoo\Client $client:

use Ang3\Component\Odoo\Client;

class MyService
    private $client;

    public function __construct(Client $client)
        $this->client = $client;

If the connection name is foo_bar, then the autowired argument is Ang3\Component\Odoo\Client $fooBarClient.

  • Run the command php bin/console debug:autowiring Client to get the list of autowired clients.

Of course if you don't use autowiring, you must pass the service as argument of your service:

# app/config/services.yml or config/services.yaml
# ...
        $client: '@ang3_odoo.client.<connection_name>' # Or '@ang3_odoo.client' for the default connection

For each client, the bundle creates a public alias following this naming convention: ang3_odoo.client.<connection_name>.


To enable ORM features, you must edit the file config/packages/ang3_odoo.yaml to configure it:

  # ...
    enabled: true # Do not forget to enable the ORM
      default: # connection name to manage
        paths: # List of directories where your Odoo objects are stored
          - '%kernel_project_dir%/src/Odoo/Entity'


Get the manager of a connection easily by using dependency injection and autowiring:

namespace App;

use Ang3\Component\Odoo\ORM\ObjectManager;

class MyService
     * @var  ObjectManager
    private $objectManager;

    public function __construct(ObjectManager $objectManager)
        $this->objectManager = $objectManager;

If the connection name is foo_bar, then the autowired argument is Ang3\Component\Odoo\ORM\ObjectManager $fooBarObjectManager. By default, the default manager is autowired.

  • Run the command php bin/console debug:autowiring ObjectManager to get the list of autowired managers.

Of course if you don't use autowiring, you must pass the service as argument of your service:

# app/config/services.yml or config/services.yaml
# ...
        $objectManager: '@ang3_odoo.orm.object_manager.<connection_name>' # Or '@ang3_odoo.orm.object_manager' for the default manager

For each manager, the bundle creates a public alias following this naming convention: ang3_odoo.orm.object_manager.<connection_name>.

Please read the documentation of the ORM package ang3/php-odoo-orm to know more information about the object manager.


This bundle provides a useful validator according to the package symfony/validator to validate a record by ID, domains and/or connection. It resides to a basic annotation.

Here is an example of an object storing the ID of a company and invoice:

use Ang3\Bundle\OdooBundle\Validator\Constraints as Odoo;

class MyEntity
     * @var int
     * @Odoo\Record("")
     * ...
    private $companyId;

     * @var int
     * @Odoo\Record(model="account.move", domains="expr.eq('', this.companyId)", connection="default")
     * ...
    private $invoiceId;

Here is the list of all options you can pass to the annotation:

  • model (required string) The model name of the record.
  • domains (string) An expression which evaluation must returns valid client criteria.
  • connection (string) the name of the connection to use
    • By default the default connection is used.
  • typeErrorMessage (string) The error message if the value is not a positive integer
    • By default the message is: This value must be a positive integer.
  • notFoundMessage (string) The message if the record was not found
    • By default the message is: The record of ID {{ model_id }} from "{{ model_name }}" was not found.

As you can see, the validator uses both symfony/expression-language and the expression builder provided with the client. By this way, you can filter allowed records easily.

Here are the variable passed to the evaluated expression:

  • expr the expression builder
  • this the object that the property/getter belongs to
  • user the user of the request Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface|null

Upgrades & updates

v0.1.0 (beta-release)

  • Client registry
  • Beta ORM
    • Registry
    • Configuration
    • Cache
  • Record validator