
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the ebics-api/ebics-client-php package instead.

PHP library to communicate with bank through EBICS protocol.

v2.3.0 2024-12-12 16:56 UTC


CI Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

PHP library to communicate with a bank through EBICS protocol.
PHP EBICS Client -
Supported PHP versions - PHP 7.2 and higher
Support EBICS versions: 2.4, 2.5, 3.0; Encryption versions: E002, X002, A005, A006; Switching EBICS T/TS

💥 (Premium) EBICS API Client

EBICS API Client -
For quick integration EBICS Client can be deployed as a standalone service on a webserver or within a Docker container and provides:

  • 💯 Support for EBICS Integration
  • ✅ RESTful API to operate with orders, connections, keyrings, access logs, fetched files
  • ✅ Extended Access Policy
  • ✅ Execute order transactions directly from the App
  • ✅ Manage Connections and Monitor access logs
  • ✅ Scheduler Jobs, Fetched files secure storage


ebics-api/ebics-client-php is licensed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE file for details


$ composer require ebics-api/ebics-client-php

Initialize client

You will need to have this information from your Bank: HostID, HostURL, PartnerID, UserID


use EbicsApi\Ebics\Services\FileKeyringManager;
use EbicsApi\Ebics\Models\Bank;
use EbicsApi\Ebics\Models\User;
use EbicsApi\Ebics\EbicsClient;
use EbicsApi\Ebics\Models\X509\BankX509Generator;

// Prepare `workspace` dir in the __PATH_TO_WORKSPACES_DIR__ manually.
// "__EBICS_VERSION__" should have value "VERSION_30" for EBICS 3.0
$keyringPath = __PATH_TO_WORKSPACES_DIR__ . '/workspace/keyring.json';
$keyringManager = new FileKeyringManager();
if (is_file($keyringPath)) {
    $keyring = $keyringManager->loadKeyring($keyringPath, __PASSWORD__, __EBICS_VERSION__);
} else {
    $keyring = $keyringManager->createKeyring(__EBICS_VERSION__);
$bank = new Bank(__HOST_ID__, __HOST_URL__);
// Use __IS_CERTIFIED__ true for EBICS 3.0 and/or French banks, otherwise use false.
if(__IS_CERTIFIED__) {
    $certificateGenerator = (new BankX509Generator());
$user = new User(__PARTNER_ID__, __USER_ID__);
$client = new EbicsClient($bank, $user, $keyring);
if (!is_file($keyringPath)) {
    $keyringManager->saveKeyring($client->getKeyring(), $keyringPath);

Global process and interaction with Bank Department

1. Create and store your 3 keys and send initialization request.


use EbicsApi\Ebics\Contracts\EbicsResponseExceptionInterface;

/* @var \EbicsApi\Ebics\EbicsClient $client */

try {
    /* @var \EbicsApi\Ebics\Services\FileKeyringManager $keyringManager */
    /* @var \EbicsApi\Ebics\Models\Keyring $keyring */
    $keyringManager->saveKeyring($keyring, $keyringRealPath);
} catch (EbicsResponseExceptionInterface $exception) {
    echo sprintf(
        "INI request failed. EBICS Error code : %s\nMessage : %s\nMeaning : %s",

try {
    $keyringManager->saveKeyring($keyring, $keyringRealPath);
} catch (EbicsResponseExceptionInterface $exception) {
    echo sprintf(
        "HIA request failed. EBICS Error code : %s\nMessage : %s\nMeaning : %s",

2. Generate a EBICS letter

/* @var \EbicsApi\Ebics\EbicsClient $client */
$ebicsBankLetter = new \EbicsApi\Ebics\EbicsBankLetter();

$bankLetter = $ebicsBankLetter->prepareBankLetter(

$pdf = $ebicsBankLetter->formatBankLetter($bankLetter, $ebicsBankLetter->createPdfBankLetterFormatter());

3. Wait for the bank validation and access activation.

4. Fetch the bank keys.

try {
    /* @var \EbicsApi\Ebics\EbicsClient $client */
    /* @var \EbicsApi\Ebics\Services\FileKeyringManager $keyringManager */
    /* @var \EbicsApi\Ebics\Models\Keyring $keyring */
    $keyringManager->saveKeyring($keyring, $keyringRealPath);
} catch (EbicsResponseExceptionInterface $exception) {
    echo sprintf(
        "HPB request failed. EBICS Error code : %s\nMessage : %s\nMeaning : %s",

5. Play with other transactions!

Transaction Description
HEV Download supported protocol versions for the Bank.
INI Send to the bank public signature of signature A005.
HIA Send to the bank public signatures of authentication (X002) and encryption (E002).
H3K Send to the bank public signatures of signature (A005), authentication (X002) and encryption (E002).
HPB Download the Bank public signatures authentication (X002) and encryption (E002).
SPR Suspend activated keyring.
HPD Download the bank server parameters.
HKD Download customer's customer and subscriber information.
HTD Download subscriber's customer and subscriber information.
HAA Download Bank available order types.
PTK Download transaction status.
FDL Download the files from the bank.
FUL Upload the files to the bank.
VMK Download the interim transaction report in SWIFT format (MT942).
STA Download the bank account statement.
BKA Download electronic account statement in pdf format.
C52 Download the bank account report in Camt.052 format.
C53 Download the bank account statement in Camt.053 format.
C54 Download Debit Credit Notification (DTI).
Z52 Download the bank account report in Camt.052 format (i.e Switzerland financial services).
Z53 Download the bank account statement in Camt.053 format (i.e Switzerland financial services).
Z54 Download the bank account statement in Camt.054 format (i.e available in Switzerland).
ZSR Download Order/Payment Status report.
XEK Download account information as PDF-file.
CCT Upload initiation of the credit transfer per Single Euro Payments Area.
CIP Upload initiation of the instant credit transfer per Single Euro Payments Area.
XE2 Upload initiation of the Swiss credit transfer (i.e available in Switzerland).
XE3 Upload SEPA Direct Debit Initiation, CH definitions, CORE (i.e available in Switzerland).
YCT Upload Credit transfer CGI (SEPA & non SEPA).
CDD Upload initiation of the direct debit transaction.
CDB Upload initiation of the direct debit transaction for business.
BTD Download request files of any BTF structure.
BTU Upload the files to the bank.
HVU Download List the orders for which the user is authorized as a signatory.
HVZ Download VEU overview with additional information.
HVE Upload VEU signature for order.
HVD Download the state of a VEU order.
HVT Download detailed information about an order from VEU processing for which the user is authorized as a signatory.

If you need to parse Cfonb 120, 240, 360 use ebics-api/cfonb-php
If you need to parse MT942 use ebics-api/mt942-php

Keyring schema

    "USER": {
        "A": {
            "VERSION": "A005|A006",
            "CERTIFICATE": "null|string",
            "PUBLIC_KEY": "string",
            "PRIVATE_KEY": "string"
        "E": {
            "CERTIFICATE": "null|string",
            "PUBLIC_KEY": "string",
            "PRIVATE_KEY": "string"
        "X": {
            "CERTIFICATE": "null|string",
            "PUBLIC_KEY": "string",
            "PRIVATE_KEY": "string"
    "BANK": {
        "E": {
            "CERTIFICATE": "null|string",
            "PUBLIC_KEY": "null|string",
            "PRIVATE_KEY": null
        "X": {
            "CERTIFICATE": null,
            "PUBLIC_KEY": "null|string",
            "PRIVATE_KEY": null


  • Format validators for all available ISO 20022 formats:
    • upload: PAIN.001, PAIN.008, MT101, TA875, CFONB320, CFONB160 with different versions.
    • download: PAIN.002, CAMT.052, CAMT.053, CAMT.054, MT199, MT900, MT910, MT940, MT942, CFONB240,CFONB245, CFONB120
  • Country's Bank specific order types
  • Refactor by abstraction Download and Upload Order types