
A ticket system for Yii2 websites

dev-master 2017-10-28 11:02 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 07:48:16 UTC


this module is like ticket system and created for printing office app, but you can use it in another yii2 apps


1- add some category with index.php?inquery\inquery-category

2- user will create an inquery request (An inquiry contains the request text,subject from the list of subjects,attachments)

3- The queue is queried for the answer.

4- admin will answer to inquery and inquery status will change to 'answered'.

5- then user will view your answer


screenshot-2017-10-28 inqueries 1 screenshot-2017-10-28 inqueries screenshot-2017-10-28 inquery in time 2017-10-02 screenshot-2017-10-28 1 screenshot-2017-10-28 screenshot-2017-10-28 1 screenshot-2017-10-28 screenshot-2017-10-28 2017-10-02


this module has 5 event method:

  • afterCreate($model); this method runs after created an inquery
  • afterAnswer($model); this method runs after an inquery answered
  • afterViewed($model); this method runs when admin seen an inquery
  • CreateError($model); this method runs when an error occur in inquery create process
  • AnswerError($model); this method runs when an error occur in inquery answer process

for use this methods you must create a Class that implements 'amintado\inquery\EventInterface' interface

for Example can use 'amintado\inquery\Event' class

Or you can create a class that extend from 'amintado\inquery\Event' class

Method are useful for send email,sms after an inquery action


add this code to app/config/main.php file:

 'inquery'=> [

Module Parameters

  • $jalaliDate :if you want use this module in persian language, you can change this parameter to true, then all dates will show in shamsi(jalali) format
  • $filesDirectory :set your custom directory for upload inquery attachments,default value is '@frontend/dl'
  • downloadUrl :set your upload directory Url,default URL is ''

Dont Use '/' Character in the end of $downloadUrl parameter value

  • $eventClass :set your custom Event class namespace here(your class must implement from 'amintado\inquery\EventInterface' interface OR extend from 'amintado\inquery\Event' class)


for apply tables in your database,run this command:

yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/amintado/yii2-module-inquery/migration




this module now translated to persian language you can Fork and send pull request in 'master' branch to translate it to your language


  • Persian:Full
  • English:90%


  • Jalali/Shamsi
  • Gregorian


  • amintado programming and improve this module
  • kartik-v create best GridView module for yii2 framework


GNU General Public License v3.0