alt-design / alt-google-2fa
Alt Google 2FA addon! Uses google2fa-laravel to integrate it into Statamic.
- php: ^8.2
- bacon/bacon-qr-code: ^3.0.0
- pragmarx/google2fa-laravel: ^2.0.0
- statamic/cms: ^4.0|^5.0
Google 2FA - just not requiring like, an hour of setup and config.
Heavily uses - big shout out 🫶
- Select who needs 2FA enforced by super users and roles
- Select optional user roles that can access 2FA
- Works on Front End and Control Panel
How to Install
composer require alt-design/alt-google-2fa
Basic usage
Just nip into the settings, few options
- Enforced / Optional / Off
- Enforced - Users matching the criteria have to have 2FA on to access the site.
- Optional - As it says on the tin, the routes are available if you fancy.
- Off - Just turns off the 2FA requirements for Super Users
Using your own template
Want to use your own template? Don't blame ya! Luckily we've built a tag in to generate the QR code. Template just needs to vaguely look like this:
<!-- QR Tag -->
<s:AltGoogle2FA /> (Blade) or {{ alt-google-2fa }} if you're using Antlers)
<!-- OTP Form ->
<form action="{{ route('alt-google-2fa.verify') }}" method="POST">
<input name="one_time_password" type="text" placeholder="OTP Code">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Authenticate</button>
<!-- Just so people don't get stuck -->
<a href="{{ route('statamic.logout') }}">
Cancel & Logout
Example manual inclusion of enabling/disabling 2FA.
{{ if {AltGoogle2FA:is-enabled} }}
<a href="{{ route:alt-google-2fa.disable-2fa }}">Disable</a>
{{ else }}
<a href="{{ route:alt-google-2fa.enable-2fa }}">Enable</a>
{{ /if }}
Using Database Users?
No problemo! You'll just need to publish the database migration and run it!
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=alt-google-2fa-migrations
php artisan migrate
Locked yourself out
Oop - you can just disable the settings using the content/alt-google-2fa/settings.yaml, or remove the 2FA field values on your user.
Questions etc
Drop us a big shout-out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We're always looking to improve our addons, so if you have any feature requests, we'd love to hear them.
Also - check out our other Statamic bits!
Starter Kits
- Alt SEO Addon
- Alt Redirect Addon
- Alt Sitemap Addon
- Alt Akismet Addon
- Alt Password Protect Addon
- Alt Cookies Addon
- Alt Inbound Addon
Send us a postcard from your hometown if you like this addon. We love getting mail from other cool peeps!
Alt Design
St Helens House