
Provides helper to format phone number easily

v1.0 2016-10-24 16:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 22:47:46 UTC


Latest Stable Version


  • Install the package
composer require 'alpixel/phoneformatterbundle'
  • Update AppKernel.php

    // app/AppKernel.php

    // ...
    class AppKernel extends Kernel
        public function registerBundles()
            $bundles = array(
                // ...
                new Alpixel\Bundle\PhoneFormatterBundle\AlpixelPhoneFormatterBundle(),

            // ...

        // ...



The only helper actually available give you the possibility to reformat and clean a phone number following a pattern.

You can call the helper this way

$number = $this->get('alpixel.helper.phone_formatter')->format($currentNumber, PhoneNumberFormat::NATIONAL, 'DE');

The example above will try to output a national german number from the input you gave.

The format option can be :

AlpixelPhoneNumberFormat::INTERNATIONAL // example "+41 44 668 18 00"
AlpixelPhoneNumberFormat::NATIONAL // example : "044 668 18 00"
AlpixelPhoneNumberFormat::E164 // example : "+41446681800"
AlpixelPhoneNumberFormat::AUTO // Will try to make the best guess from your current locale

The third argument is expecting a two letter country code as FR or DE

Twig extension

The helper is callable via a twig extension like this :

"03 03 03 03 03"|phone_format("INTERNATIONAL", "FR")
"03 03 03 03 03"|phone_format("NATIONAL")
"03 03 03 03 03"|phone_format("AUTO", "CH")