
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.2.4) of this package.

0.2.4 2019-10-25 05:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 02:35:56 UTC


Although it is written to work with the Administr package, you can use this one as a standalone with Laravel >= 5.2.

It is still a work-in-progress.


Using Composer:

composer require administrcms/listview

Add the service provider:


What it does

It creates a table representation of your data.


// The datasource can be an array
$data = [
    ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'test 1'],
    ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'test 2'],

// Collection of Eloquent models
$data = User::all();

// Paginated result from a model,
// in this case it will display the pagination
$data = User::paginate(20);

$listView = new ListView(

// You can pass options with the magical setter,
// which will be translated in table attributes
$listView->class = 'table table-bordered table-hover';

// Defining a field
// text is a type which is dynamically set using the magic __call method.
// It will look for a field definition
// and if it fails, it will use simple text representation.
// Available fields are text, boolean, date, datetime, time.
// Date and time formats can be modified from the config file.
    ->text('id', '#')
    ->text('name', 'Name')
    ->text('created_at', 'Created');

// or chained:
    ->text('id', '#')
    ->text('name', 'Name')
    ->text('created_at', 'Created');

// You can set formatters on each column.
// This allows you to manipulate the output value of the column.
// It is possible to pass multiple formatters to a column.
// In this example - add path to the value, if you are not
// keeping the whole path in db. Put an image tag instead of plain text.
// Possible values are a Closure, path to formatter class
// that implements the Administr\ListView\Contracts\Formatter contract,
// string that is mapped to a formatter class in the config file administr.listview
// and an array of all above as well as multiple parameters to the method format
    ->text('logo_img', 'Logo', function(Column $column, array $row){
        $column->format(function(array $row){
                return "path/to/file/{$row['logo_img']}";
            }, 'image')

// Action columns

    ->actions('Actions column label', function(Actions $actions) {
        // Global action
            ->action('add', 'Add')
            ->icon('fa fa-plus')
            ->url( route('resource.create') );
        // Context action
        // For context actions which require value for the row,
        // you can use the define method, which accepts a Closure
        // that has two parameters - the Action instance and an array
        // with the data of the current row - in the example - id, name.
            ->action('edit', '')
            ->icon('fa fa-edit')
            ->define(function(Action $action, array $item) {
                $action->url(route('resource.edit', [$item['id']]));
// Render the table with data

// Getting the global actions