abetzi / elasticsearch-migrate
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-main) of this package.
2023-06-15 10:19 UTC
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch: ^8.2
- laravel/framework: ^9.11
- laravel/scout: ^10.0
Requires (Dev)
- php-http/mock-client: ^1.5
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5.10
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-19 19:14:19 UTC
Simple elasticsearch indices manipulation for laravel framework.
Basic Usage
artisan es:index:info Show info on given index and its related aliases
artisan es:template:create Create elasticsearch template from given yaml file
artisan scout:delete-all-indexes Delete all indexes
artisan scout:delete-index Delete an index
artisan scout:flush Flush all of the models records from the index
artisan scout:import Import the given model into the search index
artisan scout:index Create an index
artisan about Info about elasticsearch connection
Install - as git submodule for development purpose
First - download source files
git submodule add git@bitbucket.org:puntik/elasticsearch-migrate.git
Install required libraries
composer install elasticsearch/elasticsearch
composer install laravel/scout
Then inject provider into config/app.php
'providers' => [
// ...
* Package Service Providers...
Do not forget add autoload psr-4 mapping into composer.json.
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Abetzi\\Elasticsearch\\": "src/elasticsearch-migrate/src/"
Configure config/services.php
return [
// ...
'elasticsearch' => [
'hosts' => explode(',', env('ELASTICSEARCH_HOST', 'https://host.docker.internal:9210')),
'username' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME', 'elastic'),
'password' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD', 'elastic'),
'ssl_verification' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_SSL_VERIFICATION', true)
Install - composer
Not finished yet.
- composer install ...
- config .env
- artisan publish ...
- it should work
Use case - index management
- [x] Chci zalozit novy index s poradovym cislem podle vzoru {alias_name}-000001, alias neexistuje
- [x] Chci zalozit novy index s poradovym cislem podle vzoru {alias_name}-000001, odebrat stare aliasy a nastavit novy alias.
- [x] Chci nacist yaml s template a ulozit do indexu
- [ ] Chci smazat index, na ktery je pripojeny alias {alias_name}.
- [ ] Chci smazat vsechny indexy s patternem {alias_name}-000001, na ktere nesmeruje alias {alias_name}
- [ ] Chci vypsat vsechny informace o indexech a aliasech s patternem {name}
- [x] refaktorovat
- [ ] parametrizovat
- [x] rozepsat do service
- [x] udelat providery
- [x] udelat commandy
- [ ] napsat navod
- [ ] nasypat do packagest - pripravit composer.json
- [ ] sepsat povidani na tema konfigurace klienta elasticsearch
- [ ] scout:create-index - implemetnovat misto moji tridy
- [ ] scout:delete-index - implementovat misto moji tridy