Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Extra strict and opinionated rules for PHPStan
35 185 423 613
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you.
217 115 597 26 719
Async DNS resolution for Amp.
11 497 989 157
Improved Psr-3 / Psr\Log logger based on Symfony Console components.
45 330 754 152
Non-blocking socket connection / server implementations based on Amp and Revolt.
11 431 033 230
DNS protocol implementation written in pure PHP
11 516 810 128
A fiber-aware cache API based on Amp and Revolt.
11 436 662 99
Windows Registry Reader.
11 380 093 97
API for OpenTelemetry PHP.
6 603 029 15
Modern task runner
46 041 033 2 674
Access certificate details and transform between different formats.
10 852 356 85
Expands internal property references in PHP arrays file.
43 569 007 137
Provide configuration services for a commandline tool.
44 215 973 165
Provides a self:update command for Symfony Console applications.
43 766 394 97
Context implementation for OpenTelemetry PHP.
6 577 272 9